Chapter 116- My achy breaky heart? Nah its my achy breaky back

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Stella's P.O.V.

"Alright Mr. Hayes what's seems to be the problem today?" the doctor asked as I sat on a chair closest to Hunter and Hunter sat on top of the hospital bed.

"I fell down an Alp mountain in Switzerland turns out I can't ski" he laughed. The he became serious when the doc gave him a look "I hurt my back"

"So you're having back pain?"

"Yes doctor"

"Where in you back?" 

"Ohm in the upper right part of my back, under my shoulder blade and my lower back"  

"Alright so could you take off your tee shirt so I can take a look?"

"Sure thing" Hunter told the doctor and he took off his tee shirt.

"Alright I'm going to lower the bed and I want you to lie down on your stomach." The doctor lowered the bed and Hunter turned around and gave me a look and he lied down. Hunter is so nervous when it comes to doctor he doesn't trust them with his life. And he hates them they always yell at him... Which is cute because they do always yell at him because he doesn't listen nor can they keep him focus. The doctor touched his back and Hunter made this weird odd noise "Sorry Mr. Hayes I forgot to mention I had cold hands"

"Yeah I got it" Hunter told him.. I started chuckling and Hunter waved his hand slightly at me telling me to be quiet.

 "Ah I definitely feel some tension here. I don't think you sprained or broken anything in your back... On a scale 1 to 10 how bad is your pain Mr. Hayes?"

"Ohm a big fat o' 7"

"Alright I think you just bruised your back but I think it would be better if we took an X- ray just to make sure"  

They left to take an X- ray and I stayed in the room. And 10 minutes later they came back and Hunter didn't seem too happy neither did the doctor. The Doc left the room "So Hunter what did you do?"

"He thought it would be funny to touch my back and try to get me into weird positions that I couldn't do..... It's like watching you do yoga man he tried to give me whiplash."

"What did you do?"

"I told him no"

"Then what happened?"

"He yelled at me and I told him he could yell all he wants but I'm not lying in that position and then he yelled at me again"

"And did you go into that position?" I asked him already knowing the answer would be yes.

"Well yes and now my back pain is 1,000% worst"

"Oh my poor baby" I kissed his nose.

"And he won't let me put back on my tee shirt and he made me take off my belt during the X-ray and I still can't put that on too"

"You really don't like the doc's do you my big baby" I kissed his cheek.

"HEY!!! I-"

The doctor came back in saying "Oh looks like you just bruised your back pretty freaking well. Why don't we stay off the slopes Mr. Hayes.... I'm going to prescribe you painkillers and massages so if you don't have a physical therapist I can give you a number"

"Nah I got her number" Hunter told him.

"Yeah she makes that bad pain go away and make the good pain come in. She come achy breaky my heart anytime."

"She does" Hunter laughed and he looked at me and mumbled to me "Doesn't mean I'm going to call for an appointment so chill" I crossed my arms at him and stuck out my tongue he rolled his eyes.

"So yeah just call her up and get her to do your back and take your medicine and come back here let's say 2 weeks from now to do a check up on your back" he handed Hunter a piece of paper. "You may put your tee shirt back on now if you like" he put his shirt on and his belt.

We walked out of the place and I asked him "So who is this physical therapist?" 

"She's just a physical therapist nothing special"

"I can hear that. But who is she? Is she pretty?"

"Nope... She's pregnant so I guess she's pretty to someone." 

"Uhhhh and did you date this pregnant girl?"

"We went on a date couple years back I might have just turned 21 and her husband actually called and we cut the date short.... And no she's wasn't pregnant then"

"Oh ok.... Why did you date a married women?"

"I didn't know she was married no one told me that... We all can thank Sammy for that one he never tells you the important details"

"Oh another one of his crazy set up's?" I asked him.

"Yup and besides that girl can go to places no one would even dare to go"


"Not like that her hands" he lifted up his hands "There's magic or something she's gets all the tense muscles and it takes like 2 minutes.. I should call her"

"You're not calling her" 

"But my back hurts"

"She isn't touching you" I told him. 


"Too bad you shouldn't have told me you went on a date with her"

"Did I say her I meant to say her co- worker not her sorry my bad"

"Too late now I don't believe you" I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm not going to do anything."

"I know you won't but those people can get weird"

"You can be a chaperon" I looked over at him as he opened his door. "PLEASE STELLA"

"And I can stay in the room with you?"





"I DON'T KNOW!!" People looked at us as we got into the car we closed our door's and we started bursting out laughing.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now