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In a dark place, where no ambient light of the outside world reached, sat 3 individuals, discussing what their next move would be. These three entities were the pinnacle of power, and only a few individuals in all of creation could rival them. A clacking hunk of metal served them tea as he was a servant of one of these powerful individuals, after serving them their tea he stood behind a.......... small little pixie? Yes, she was a pixie but don't let that small stature fool you as she is the "Queen of Spirits" herself. She hid unimaginable power behind the façade of her elegance.

"Hmm... it's been such a long time, hasn't it?" she said to a girl sitting beside her.

"Yes, it's been................. quite a long while. how long has it been Veldora?" the girls asked a tan muscular man sitting next to her.

"Ha.ha.ha, it's been, precisely 420 years, Milim" the man answered with knowing laughter and his audience believed him without doubting even a single word he said, as he was the one who knew everything that had ever happened in this world and truth of every kind was under his thumb.

Listening to that answer both the participants of this discussion stood up and the pixie was about to say something but was left behind by the energetic girl "WOW! Isn't that a bit too long?" the girl said as she pounded on the table, and as a result, the table, which was made of metal broke with a loud noise. The cause of this was infinite strength behind the small palms of this pink haired girl.
"sigh...... please fix it Berreta" the spirit queen ordered her servant in an exasperated tone as if this was a common occurrence for her, while pointing towards the now-broken table. The table in question was no ordinary table, it was made of demon steel which evolved from Magisteel and was extremely hard to break.

"Yes, my lady", said the dark-cloaked doll as he moved swiftly to fix the table. If you ask, How would he fix the broken table, then the answer was simple, his power <<Deus EX Machina>> allowed him to manipulate earth and he could dominate minerals, which meant he was able to produce gold from thin air by adding sub-atomic particles to gases and this was just a small fraction of his power. To put it simply he was a "god of metal-based alchemy".

Berreta manipulated the table as if it were a part of the body and fixed the table but he did not just that, if you would look closely, he also added a very fine intricate design to the previously bland metallic table. After completing his task, he quietly stood behind her lady without expecting anything in return.

"Thank you Berreta!, and good job," the queen said in a cheerful tone to her servant, surely noticing the elegance in the newly formed masterpiece in front of her.

"Could you please calm down Milim, it'd be hard to explain to Rimuru if he found out about our super-secret meeting", she said while complaining to the pink-haired girl. The girl in question quickly covered her mouth in panic.

"KUHAHAHAHA, there is no need to panic Milim, Ramiris. Rimuru is out of town for some time and will not be back for another day. So we have this day all to ourselves" Veldora said in a booming voice.

"What!!! That's no fair. Why does Rimuru gets to go for a picnic when we are here bored..... ah! I mean when we are here with nothing to do" Milim said while pouting

"I think this for the better, as we will be able to think of new ways to spend our meaningful time"

"yeah, master is correct as always. Let's brainstorm together shall we?" Ramiris said flying happily in the air as she continued "Or we could just go to another world like the last tim-" She couldn't finish her sentence as she felt a lot of energy waves coming from her side.

"o...of-course we will include you this time Milim we won't leave you out this time," the fairy said feeling a bit intimidated

"yes, this time you can also know how much fun it is to visit other worlds to explore, kuhahaha"

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