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"Prepare for trouble"


"To protect the world from devastation"


"To denounce the evils of truth and love"




"Team Tempest blasts off at speed of light"


'HAHAHAHA.......Oh, my gawddd......ohohoh, mannn! I always wanted to do this. Wasn't I awesome, Ciel?'


'Oh, gawd~~ I can't stop laughing right now. It isn't every day that I get to see you speechless, Ciel..... and even Zegion is quivering, HAHAHaha'

<Master, it seems our definition of awesome is quite different from one another.....and could you please stop doing that pose already?>

'Hahaha....right,' I then retracted my arms and Zegion brought his hand back down even faster than me.

The people behind us are in awe of us, and not just that they are even clapping for the comy performance we just put up. And the beastmen in front of us are more enraged than before.

"Huh.huh.huhh, so now~ what will you guys do, wanna surrender? Or will you die like the dogs you are" kinda makes me feel guilty after establishing a whole nation of monsters, and then discriminating in another world. In my defense, this isn't a world I'm gonna visit again, and I don't have any attachments to the people of this world.

"Kugh, we are not dogs, you blind imbecile', we are wolf kins, and we would never surrender to the likes of you."

"Well, anyway where are your Youngs? We might need to talk with them." The leader of the other party spoke. As he was trying to take those beastmen, and sell them as slaves.

I, on the other hand, would never stoop so low, as to let anyone sell children into slavery, no matter what race or what world it is, and for now, my goal will be to kill this guy and these beastmen.

I can sense their children along with their mothers moving at a fast speed to escape from here. It's amazing that they were able to live this long and thrive, even in a human supremacist country like Slane Theocracy, who made their motto to eradicate all the races except humans, and they keep humanoids as their slaves or second citizens.

These beastmen can also be utilized as labor slaves, but I'll be kind enough to put them out of their misery before they could either tell the location of their fleeing family or get captured as slaves.

"I don't think he's gonna speak much at this point. We should end it at this" I spoke as I looked toward Zegion, and as on cue, he started unsheathing his sword.

"Mr. Rimuru, I think we should work together on capturing them instead of exterminating them, it'll be more profitable that way" spoke the ugly bastard.

"Yea? It seems you are not aware of the situation we are in, the only reason a Platinum-ranked adventurer group got a Mithril-ranked quest is because there are two parties working on it. Despite everything, they are a warrior race, it might be a difficult battle for all of us, you better buckle up for an uphill battle" I spoke, while explaining the situation to the big-headed oaf beside me. It wouldn't be anything to us, but we can't make it too obvious.

"It is hard to believe for me that a party who can reach the rank of Platinum in just two days, would feel intimidated by mere dogs"

"Yes, we are not. But the same can't said about your party. They all..... I guess talking time is over" I spoke as I felt activation of magic behind the ranks of the beastmen, it seems someone proficient in magic is present here, which is extremely rare as wolf-kin is a warrior race, and has no relation to magic.

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