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<Master, you have now reached the 'New World'>

Rimuru opened his eyes and saw a beautiful night sky, littered with blinking stars and a shining moon, which drew a picturesque scenery that would mesmerize anyone seeing it.

'Ah, Ciel! For how long was I out?' the statement was not spoken out loud, instead, it was asked to the being that resided inside the soul of Rimuru. He spoke as he got up to his feet, still glancing up in the sky.

<It wasn't too long master. I wake you up right away at your arrival in this world- ah, it seems Zegion woke up himself>

"I see, you are awake now Zegion," Rimuru spoke with his back turned to Zegion and still admiring the vast sky up above.

Zegion knelt with his head bowed down and spoke "I am ashamed to make you wait like this, while I slept."

Rimuru turned his head around to look at Zegion "You don't have to be so formal with me, we are alone for now, so just speak as you would to a friend"

"Yes.... My lord"

"Hah..." With a sigh Rimuru turned his head back towards the sky, to admire its beauty, but that's just what Zegion saw as he stood back behind Rimuru, but in actuality, he was conversing with Ciel.

'I see..... so we are in Slane theocracy ay?..... This certainly is quite troublesome' he gained this information through his racial skill <<Dragon's Knowledge>>, Afterall he still was a 'True Dragon' despite changing the worlds. And thanks to the fact that he was a true dragon he could sense energies more clearly than others, this perception of energies was even comparable to Ramiris who is a 'Spirit Queen' by race. True Dragons Afterall are representation of nature and its elements.

'Umm..... it seems my body houses 2 types of energy... one of them definitely is Magicules and the other one is some type of dilution of, it's extremely inferior to Magicules...' Rimuru spoke while observing his body thoroughly 'and as are not with me'

<Well, I can't help it master, your soul is like home to me, and all the pseudo souls are extremely uncomfortable and congested. I don't wanna stay away from you in any way.>

'Wouldn't it be more efficient for you to be here instead?'

<Not exactly, we are exchanging information and talking using 'InfoParticles', so there is no delay in anything, you don't have to worry about efficiency when it comes to me>

'Oh well, that's true....But how do you explain these two types of energies?'

<Well I was about to tell you this when we were at Empire, but it seemed you were in no mood to listen to me> Ciel spoke in a sulky voice, though Rimuru knew for sure that it was just a facade. Ciel is quite fond of explaining things to Rimuru so, she always felt a bit disgruntled whenever she was told off like that.

'Oh... I was completely exhausted after the meeting, so I was in no shape to hear from you......sooo~ mind telling me now?' Rimuru asked cutely.

<Humph. Well sure.... How can I refuse if you ask me so politely hehe.

You see, your body is made up of physical matter as well as Magicules. Magicules are quite an omnipotent source of energy and theoretically, it can do anything. Magicules encompasses many magical aspects such as-

- Creation

- Destruction

- Summoning

- Barrier

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