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It was a bright sunny day on the plain, the sky was clear. Under the canopy of trees lay four individuals, completely unconscious. One, a blonde man with tanned skin, another a gorgeous lady with sparkling golden hair, the third a lean individual donning a cloak, and the last one a young, pink-haired girl.

"Ugh..." Groaned the tanned man, Veldora, as he stood up. "Huh... wait, did it... it... YESSS!! IT WORKED!" he exclaimed loudly upon seeing his surroundings. His 3 companions also woke up upon hearing this boisterous voice.

Even though he knew with certainty that the transmigration would work, he couldn't help but utter those words out of joy. By now, the other three were also fully awake and chatting among themselves.

"Woah! Ramiris, you look so different now!" said Milim, excited.

Ramiris, upon noticing her new body, was overjoyed as she wasn't now the same old bullied pixie. Of course, she was incredibly smug about it.

"Hahaha, it is quite amazing indeed, Milim. I am probably stronger than you too!" Ramiris boasted in sheer hubris.

"What~ you wanna go at it then Ramiris~?" teased Milim, goading Ramiris on.

"You bet I d-"

"I don't think it will be a good idea lady Ramiris. I believe the whole forest will be decimated due to your overwhelming power" Berreta chose the exact words which would calm Ramiris down, even though no one knew the limits of their powers due to them being in their new bodies.

Milim was not happy with this but she refrained from pursuing this matter any further as she already knew who was stronger. Her hands were behind her back, but if you'd notice closely you can see a golden strand in her hand.

It was a single hair of Ramiris, which she plucked out while she was distracted by Berreta. It was so fast the Ramiris didn't even feel anything. Veldora and Berreta noticed her moments but chose not to mention it, as Ramiris was too happy in her delusions, and it would be a bother to deal with a sulky spirit queen.

Everything was settled without any verbal exchange.

"Come on guys, let's get moving, we should find the nearest village or town before it's night. We'll figure out what to do, later." Veldora said, turning the topic away from Ramiris.

"...Don't you know the place we are at currently, Veldora...?" Milim asked, with a dubious look on her face.

"No, I certainly do not, beca-"

""WHAT!?"" shouted Milim and Ramiris simultaneously, interrupting Veldora. It was like deja-vu to him.

"Could you guys let me finish my sentence, before speaking yourselves, it's bad manners." There was a tinge of superiority in Veldora's voice as he spoke to the duo. This came as a part of teaching that had been instilled in him by Rimuru and Veldora was too happy to be on the other end of scolding for once.

The two of them were quite annoyed but stayed silent and listened.

"Now, as I was saying~, I purposefully opted for a random teleport because teleportation to a specific place in the world would have left rimuru hot on our trails. Through this method, rimuru would have no choice but to teleport randomly in this world too."


"That is certainly genius, Veldora!" Milim complimented.

"I told you earlier, didn't I? I know what I am doing. Leaving that aside, I don't know the exact location but we are somewhere in the central east." commented Veldora, he was able to tell this through his racial skill <<Dragon's Knowledge>>.

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