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(Please leave lots of comments as it motivates me to write more haha. thankyou for all your support as well)

Ch 13

Beretta told Milim that he was busy producing potions, plus Veldora and Ramiris were busy producing scrolls. She could hear the continuous 'Next. Next. Next' from Veldora's room.

She figured that they were too busy to entertain her, so she didn't bother them by going into their room.

She, now was completely free, without anything to do. 'Meh, I guess I'll just sightsee the city' at first she wanted to help Ramiris in getting more money by hunting, but mindless slaughter had lost its taste for Milim for many years.

And with that, she was off to sightsee, with a skip in her steps.






Veldora descended the stairs of the inn, and entered the adventurer's hall. He noticed the buzz of activity with adventurers discussing their recent quests, boasting about their achievements, and making plans for their next adventures.

He came to the guild main hall, where a huge board was fixed to post the requests, quests and events.

He approached the reception desk where a young woman with a 'friendly' smile greeted him

"H-Hello there Lord Veldora, h-how can I help you today?" she lowered her head in embarrassment due to her thoughts that were running wild upon seeing Veldora.

Veldora flashed a knowing smile at the receptionist, and spoke, "I came here to meet with guild master, can you please inform him of my arrival?"

"..S-Sure, I would get to immediately... would you like something else~ as well Lord Veldora?" spoke the receptionist a bit seductively.

"Uhh... nah, I don't think I need anything else. Just inform Aste about me, and we can all be on our merry way" spoke Veldora without a beat.


It was the noise of someone's heartbreak, upon knowing that her shot missed its mark 'this' badly. "Y-Yes Lord Veldora. Right away." But she had a job to do, so she couldn't dwell onto this tragedy for too much, and made a be-line to guild master's room.

She quickly came back to Veldora and spoke "Lord Aste had been waiting for you, please follow me" she urged.

"I see, then please lead the way" they both made their way to Aste's office. Along the way Veldora could feel many curious glances towards him, "heh" Veldora was happy to know that his reputation has been spreading like wildfire.

Soon they were in front of heavy iron door of guild master. It had the name plate of guild master Aste.

Knock Knock

The receptionist knocked politely before opening it to reveal a spacious office furnished with elegant décor.

To Veldora's surprise, there was already someone inside the room with Aste. It was a butler wearing a well ironed uniform.

He slowly turned towards the door, and his eyes widened a little. He quickly composed himself and bowed a little to Veldora before curtly exiting the room, and closing the door upon his exit.

Veldora turned his attention towards the man behind the desk, and spoke "Aste?"

"Ah, greetings Lord Veldora, please have a seat. So, what brings you here today at this hour?" asked Aste.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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