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There lay rows upon rows of unconscious individuals on the hard, cold ground under the starry night, when the moon shone the brightest. Ramiris took charge of the situation as she stood there and summoned mid-level light spirits.

<Maximize Magic><Conjure Elemental 5th tier- CandleLight Healer>

And with that, five lanterns, bearing a soothing flame of life, came into existence. With just their mere presence the bandits who were in close proximity of these spirits were getting their minor and mild injuries healed.

These were mindless, non-sentient spirits who could only do what they were told to do. Another application of these spirits was that their power could be borrowed or harnessed, to use their power more effectively.

And without losing another moment, Ramiris brought her hands in front of her and spirits mirrored her moment, forming an arc before her.

She spoke her next words, which would bring about a miracle that the adventurers had never witnessed before.

She spoke in a loud voice as though declaring her will <HARMONY HEAL>

All five spirits shone with brilliance, illuminating the whole meadow where around 200 unconscious individuals lay. The bright light wasn't blinding, but rather warm, resembling gentle illumination of sunlight, enveloped the entire area, and in mere moments the result of such an extravagant spell was apparent.

Wounds were closing, bones were returning to their original place, their breathing was getting steady and the color was returning to their face.

Ramiris sighed in relief as she confirmed the results of her efforts. The adventurers had their jaws on the floor, and Linda had admiration in her eyes, and now held newfound respect in her heart. Milim was standing there her face unperturbed, while her pendent still shining with a faint glow.

"Sigh.... Now what are you guys looking at, bind them with those vines over there" Ramiris commanded the adventurers while pointing toward the vines that were climbing the trees, that surrounded the meadow.

Adventurers were shocked again as the vines which were now climbing the trees were nowhere to be seen before. This was also the effect of these lantern spirits which released an excess amount of life energy for these wild vines to prosper.

Adventurers wasted no time, and moved as directed by Ramiris and quickly bound those bandits tightly with those vines, and not too long after, the dark sky was getting lighter, which marked the beginning of a new day.

Milim on the other hand was losing her patience upon seeing all this from the sidelines, and having nothing to do. So she decided to take action as she approached Bolto and stood right above him with a devilish grin of mischief on her face, as she raised her hand and-






"sunshine~~ princess!, waike waike~~, it's morning now" I felt slaps pelting my face, akin to hail pelting your exposed skin. I woke up with a jolt and looked around me to see that it was that pink-haired girl, who was doing this to me. I reflexively backed off from that girl... but then I noticed that It was surprisingly quiet around me.

All my comrades were lying on the ground, unconscious. Only their chests moved up and down. If I remember correctly, I was getting a beatdown by that pink haired snot-nosed br-

"Eek-" I felt chills in my spine, 'she', now had a dangerous looking her eyes, as though she read my thoughts.

"were you thinking something rude?"

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