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Veldora was waiting outside of the barracks for Ramiris and Milim to come, and after some time Milim and Ramiris were coming out of the door following Cedric. Beretta was following them from behind, while carrying a huge sac full of gold, which was the reward for subjugating the bandits of the empire.

"So, what were you talking about Veldora?" Milim asked curiously. Ramiris was still engaged with her coins and she had a few in her hands. Beretta's face was not visible but he had a disappointing look in his eyes for his master.

"I was talking with them about being an adventurer. They said we should register as adventurers. Since we have proof of capturing these bandits, I am sure that we will not be starting from the bottom rung of the ladder. So?.... wanna be an adventurer Milim??" Veldora asked with a smirk.

"An adventurer huh? Well, I don't think we'll get any benefit for being an adventurer, but we don't have anything else to do either, so let's just register, shall we?"

"Yeah, let's go to the adventurer's guild..... Are you even listening Ramiris?"

"Huh? Yeah Yeah! Of course, I'm listening. Adventurers' guild? Yeah sure. We can do that"

"Okay, then Wendy. Lead the way"

" you wish my lord" Wendy and Mark were on their best behaviour after first hand witnessing what these individuals could do.

With that Veldora and co. made their way to the capital's adventurers guild.

There was a big imposing door that stood in their way and then led to the inside of the adventure's guild. Veldora promptly went inside and Milim followed him. Ramiris was still engrossed in the money that she hauled.

The building was quite big. Bigger than a normal adventurers guild needs to be. That was because, it housed an inn and other facilities for high-level adventures. It also had a few shops that offered items such as potions, scrolls, summoning crystals, and other consumable goods for its top-rank adventurers.

Even though the Baharuth empire only had one party of adamantine rank adventures, it was a grace that they worked in the capital. But the capital also had other high-level adventurers of orichalcum, mithril, and platinum rank.

These facilities were not cheap either, but the quests these adventurers took, naturally rewarded a lot of money, so it was not a big problem for these adventurers to afford such luxuries.

The building had a color scheme of blue and white. It was ornately decorated, and not just that, further beneath, there was a training ground where one could train and compete with other adventurers and hoan their skills.

Ramiris has already mapped the whole building using her sensory and perception abilities. So, she had a general idea of what was going on inside the guild.

"Hmm..... it's quite the building, plus that fountain in the park behind emits quite a bit of natural energy"

"Huh!" the adventurers accompanying them were naturally quite shocked, as it was Ramiris's first time entering this building and yet she spoke as though she had been going in and out of this building several time.

"How did yo-"

"What are you guys doing there dawdling around with your mouths open, are you not going to show us around?" Veldora didn't even let them complete their sentence and interjected with his selfish demand.

Though the party was in no place to ask them any questions after they saved their asses from dying like pathetic dogs on the side of the road.

"Y..yes lord Veldora, would you like to register right away or would you like to look around?" Wendy quickly regained his bearing and looked at the companions of Veldora, but strangely one individual was missing.

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