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In a Roman-style hall, which was made of marble, stood a group of people surrounding an individual.

This person had stunning silver-blue hair that could captivate anyone. Her smile was like that of a goddess, radiating beauty and joy. When she spoke, her voice carried grace and authority, igniting a fire in the hearts of those who listened. Her smooth skin resembled porcelain, giving her an almost flawless appearance. She appeared to be in her late teens, blossoming with youthful beauty.

Alas, she is neither a goddess nor a god. 'HE' was demon lord Rimuru. Right now, he was in the midst of a discussion with bureaucrats of The Eastern Empire. The topic was of opening a port on the northwestern coast of the empire, which would open a new economic channel for trade and commerce. Usually, the negotiations would not have been a problem since Testarossa is the head of the Tempestian delegation. But, this time Masayuki was also participating, so I couldn't just leave it to Testarossa.

This is to be the first port to be opened in this whole wide world. Why, you ask? The reason is that the oceans are littered with A-rank monsters and some of them even reach Hazard class. No matter how big and sturdy a ship is, if it is rammed in by a huge spear-tuna or the like, it is sure to sink. Even now, ships are not tough enough to withstand the onslaught of marine-based monsters. Instead, they use a SONAR-like device that releases high-frequency waves. In contrast to detection, which was the main function of SONAR in my previous world, and disturbing marine life as a side effect, the main function of this device is to disturb the approaching monsters by interfering with magicules and detecting the surrounding as its byproduct.

It was researched extensively in junction with the Tempest Institute of Human Resource Development and NNU Institute of Magic and Science Investigation. It was also tested in deep sea areas of the empire and it was found to be replicating a repellant perfectly. We call it Sonar 2076 which is mounted on a cargo-cum-battleship named Potemkin.

These ships work under the principle of steam engines. You might be thinking that technology should have been developed quite a lot by this time, and truly it has, but there are few areas of civilization that has yet to be developed further and one of them is the transportation industry. This is due to the lack of fossil fuels, which were never discovered. These would produce higher amounts of power and for a longer period of time, but this isn't possible currently. The magicule-powered ship would have been a prime choice if it weren't for the astronomical amount of high-quality magisteel it would require to conduct such a huge amounts of ambient magicules. This raises the price of such a boat beyond even its weight in gold.

It's not like no magisteel or its alloys were used in building this ship, though most of it is just concentrated in the control room and the motherboard situated below the control panel. The runes act as a modern coding language that turns the data collected by SONAR into a presentable and readable format and helps in better interaction with magic circles. Magic circles are engraved for spell-casting, system, and sub-system controls, and are also used as energy amplifiers and regulators not just that combination of sigils, runes, and magic circles form various systems which occupy different areas on the motherboard. These systems include- Navigation System, Weapons system, defense system, communication systems, Rudder control, Cargo handling, power distribution, and much more.

The whole of this motherboard requires energy which is supplied by the magic circuit which are like strips of energy conducting magisteel which run below the motherboard to supply all the systems. The thin intricate, interconnected web of magisteel wires run across the whole motherboard which helps in data transfer from one system to another for the smooth working of the ship.

Magisteel which run under the motherboard supplies the motherboard with energy. So to operate the whole control panel, the motherboard require energy source. and that energy source is provided by Energium the energy core.

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