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It was a beautiful evening almost at the cusp of night, where stars were starting to show their brilliance and moon was fully lit. The air was quite crisp and clean, and tingled the nose of those who breathed. There stood two individuals in a meadow, trees on all sides. Both of them were surrounded by almost 120 men who were ready to attack at any moment.

"if you stand down now then I will at least give you both a painless death.-" Spoke a man with a deep scar across his nose while pointing his sword towards Veldora. "-and I don't want to kill that meek brat with you, if possible." While not knowing that he would be made to chew his words quite shortly.

Milim was not happy and was clenching her fists in clear anger "Lets show them their place, Veldora" she spoke with a little growl in her voice.

Right after saying that, the duo was bathed in their aura, MIlim ferocious aura of pink hue while Veldora had golden aura with black lightning crackling around him.

"YEAH!! Just don't rough'em up too much"

"tehehe, don't worry about that Veldora, afterall...... we have Ramiris with us"

In that moment, as the bandits trembled before the impending storm, a sense of foreboding engulfed the meadow. Little did anyone knew that this clash would set off a chain of events that would alter the course of their lives forever.

And with that, the fate of the bandits was sealed... but what consequences would this battle bring? What unforeseen turns would fate take? Only time would tell, as the world held its breath, awaiting the outcome of this epic confrontation between raw power and desperate survival. The bandit leader's heart raced with the realization that they had underestimated the magnitude of the forces they now faced. As the memories of the tranquil hours merged with the present chaos, the question remained - how did they come to this point of no return? The answers lay shrouded in the depths of the past






A few hours ago, when Veldora made their minds to capture the bandits, was now standing in front of Wendy and his party. He didn't knew what to do with them. Not sure himself, he asked the party involved.

"Hmm... what do you want to do now? You have two options, either to come along with us or to stay here"

"Why can't we just leave them here? I mean, they will just be a burden to us" MIlim spoke as a matter of factly, which struck a nerve of the party.

"We know we are not too useful to you guys, but we still are Gold ranked adventurers, surely we could help you guys in some way" quipped Wendy, trying to save his non existent pride.

"Gold ranked adventurers who almost lost their lives"

"Kugh..." This was the last straw for Wendy, he wanted to retort back but couldnt, as Veldora only spoke the truth, and this completely crushed his pride and his confidence, like what happened to the 'Titan submarine' underwater.

"...Fine" Veldora spoke after a pause "we will take you with us, but remember to stay with Ramiris all the times"


"HUH! Why me!? I don't wanna babysit them" Ramiris folded her arms and puffed her cheek, not amused in the slightest.

"well you 'are' the best choice to keep them safe. I mean if they ever got injured, they got you to heal them" Veldora spoke as a matter of factly "plus you can boss them around cant you?" Veldora had a sly grin on his face.

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