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RECAP: Rimuru killed the Water Dragon-Lord, and gave a bottle of full potion to the people of Slane Theocracy. Ciel reminded him that Magicules is what they deem as Experience in this world, and Rimuru handed the liquid form of those Magicules to the Theocracy. Now the question is, what change would it bring to the world? But one thing is for certain, strong storms and chaos is on its way

On the other-hand, Veldora and Milim were fighting monsters, but Veldora dipped to fight the Elf twins, Aura and Mare. Milim got angry as she was left out of the fun. But despite Veldora being slightly injured from the skirmish, Milim pounced on him in rage to cough 'educate' him properly. After which they went to meet the emperor Jircniv, who wanted them (Veldora company) to work for him..... But negotiations broke..... Surprisingly. And now, they are back at the guild conversing with Aste, the guild master.

Chapter 11

The gang was right now at the adventurer's guild. Aste, the guild master was on the ground, frothing from his mouth after he heard what transpired at the throne room.

All three of them were sitting at the table while they drink some aale. Beretta was standing behind Ramiris.

"Ugh... that arrogant Emperor. What does he think he's playing at? Hicc-" spoke Milim with a jug of aale in her hands and her face red because of intoxication.

"Well, we can't do anything about the dim-wits now can we? Let's just enjoy ourselves with all the money we made today" spoke Ramiris with a lisp in her voice as she put her arms around Milim to cheer her up.

Ramiris' laughter was contagious, and brought giggles and smiles on the face of Milim and Veldora.

"Kuhahaha! now that we're flush with cash, what's our next move? " asked Veldora, trying to formulate the next course of action.

"Hmmmm, now that's something to look forward to. For me? I ll buy a huge mansion with a big kitchen in it, with a huge staff of chefs and servants" spoke Milim, as she tad-bit missed her privileged lifestyle of luxury and good food.

"If Milims gonna buy us a home, then I'll commission a few paintings and stories of my glorious form, hahaha" spoke Veldora

"Well, since Beretta serves us all, we'll share the expenses equally. I have plans for a garden in Milim's mansion."

"Huh? We weren't gonna divide our money 4 ways. No way!"

"Yeah, that would mean half the money will be pooling back to you, because you will snatch his share as well!" bickred veldora

"Duhh, of course we gonna do that, he also played his part, didn't he?" asked Ramiris trying to save extra share of the money

"Uh-huh? if that's the case then Ramiris will also be paying for the house that I'm gonna buy, cuz i am not gonna live there alone, now am I?"

"haha, Well, Ramiris, looks like you're pitching in for our paintings and stories too," Veldora chuckled.

The situation took a nose dive for Ramiris, and she soon realised the deep shit she jumped into. "M-master! Do you really have to be this cruel?" Bellowed Ramiris with water at the corner of her eyes.

"Huh, i have been nothing but merciful to you Ramiris and yet you accuse me of such vile things..... I guess I ll have to go a bit hard on my 'disciple'" scoffed Veldora while putting an emphasis over the word disciple.

"Fine then, we won't be sharing any of our golden goddies with you and I won't even help you making potions and scrolls to sell them later" spoke Veldora haughtily.

She could practically see the potential money slipping through her fingers like the grain of sand. "WAaaAaa~" Ramiris was sweating profusely through her eyes.

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