Chapter Five

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Christian's Point Of View:

I stare at a sleeping Anastasia with a cup of bourbon in my hand as I sit at the foot of the bed.

Could she have possibly seen Austin? Is this where he ran off too?

I toss back the rest of my drink and make my way to the hotel phone in the penthouse living room.

I dial Taylor's number , he answers on the second ring.

"Is he out here Taylor?" I ask, he knows exactly who I mean.

"It would appear so. Though, to the last of our knowledge, he was working for himself." Taylor says, his voice thick with sleep.

"Where does he live?" I pick up a pen and the hotel stationary, I need to go see him.

Once Taylor gives me his location, I hang up and find my shoes and coat. I don't care if it's five in the morning, I needed to tell him to stay away from Anastasia. She is, mine.


I tread down the sandy beach, the cool morning air causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. The sun is just beginning to rise and if Ana were here, I would want to make love to her right now. It's simply beautiful.

All these thoughts, cease when I spot him, Austin. He's standing right where the waves crash upon the shore.

As I approach, he turns and faces me, "I didn't know you would be here. I would have steered clear had I known you two would be here."

He turns away from me amd stares back out at the water.

"You need to tell her you don't love her anymore." It's not a request, it's a demand.

"What?" He turns back to face me, eyebrows furrowed.

"You need to tell her you don't love her anymore. She's stuck on some, "Next Lifetime" shit and she won't get rid of that locket." This time I turn to stare out at the water.

Every time I catch Ana clutching on to that locket, a sad smile on her face, it makes me sick.

"She still has it?" He whispers and, I can hear the hope in his voice.

I ball up my fist and get right in his face, "Anastasia is mine! I paid you good money to disappear, you need to hold up your fucking end of the deal!"

There is silence for a few minutes before he nods.

"I....I just want to see her, one last time...."

"No, you stay the fuck away from MY future wife or you really will be dead!" With those final words, I stalk back off toward the hotel.

I would NOT let him come between Anastasia and I.

She. Is. MINE!

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