Chapter Eight

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Anastasia's Point Of View:

I stop in front of a small hut like home. I wonder why the hell Christian would come here?

On the other side of the door, I can hear the claning and banging of pots and pans. I take in a deep breath then knock on the door.

I hear grumbling then, the door swings open.

We stare at one another.

Both, in shock.

I blink repeatedly, making sure that my eyes aren't playing tricks on me. But, he's still there after every blink.

Ever so slowly, I raise my hand and touch the side of his face.

Austin sighs and leans into my hand. I feel the tears streaking down my face as I lift the other hand to tocuh the other side of his face.

Austin opens his eyes and stares into mine.

"Ana....." he whispers and that's all it takes.

I throw myself into him, burying my face into his chest. His strong arms wrap around me, engulfing me into a tight hug.

I cry harder, unable to believe that I am in his arms right now. After spending a year believing he was dead, I am in his arms.

"Ausin...." I sob, balling his shirt up in my fist, never wanting to let go.

Austin kisses the top of my head over and over again.

We remain holding on to one another until he pulls back and looks at me. He too has tears in his eyes.

"Does he know? That your here?" He asks softly.

I shake my head and he lets me go. Moving quickly, he cuts off whatever he was cook on the small stove, slides on some shoes, grabs a backpack and, a blanket or two.

"Come on!" He takes my hand and we run. We run all the way down the beach, pausing only once so that I could remove my sandals.

When we finally stop, we are at the edge of the beach in front of what looks to be a cave.

Austin reaches inside his backpack and produces a flashlight.

"Stay close." Is all he says before cutting on the flashlight and entering the cave.

It's pitch black inside, except for where the flashlight shines on the ground. We make our way through slowly, Austin constantly turning around to check on me.

We begin to climb up the rocks, which wasn't has hard as I thought it would be. Once at the top, it's still dark until we reach a small opening.

The opening lets out to a beautiful view of the ocean and parts of the island.

"Wow." I whisper as I gaze out at all the beauty before me.

"Beautiful." Austin whispers as he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me.

"It is." I whisper back.

"I meant, you."

I close my eyes and lean back against him. I enjoy this moment because I know, once the truth comes out, all hell shall break loose.

"I know you want answers, Ana. I just.....I just want to hold off on that, for a while. Enjoy this. Us. Now."

He lets go of me and goes to lay out one of the blankets on the ground near the opening. Austin sits and pats a space next to him. With a small smile, I sit down next to him, dropping my purse near his backpack on the ground, along with my shoes.

I sit next to him and lay my head upon his shoulder. His arm wraps around my waist and he lays his head on top of mine.

"God, I missed you." He whispers as he buries his nose in my hair.

"I've missed you too."

His hand begins to move from my hip to down my thigh and back again. As I lay there with my head laid on his shoulder, I think of the first and only time we made love.

I bite my lip and my hand automatically clutches on to the locket.

Austin pulls away and moves my hand from around the locket.

"You kept it...." he stares down at the locket, a small smile on his lips.

"Of course."

Austin's lips are suddenly on mine. He kisses me so deeply, I can feel it in my soul.

Ever so slowly, he lays me down on the blanket and climbs on top of me.

As he hovers over me, he kisses my forehead, my cheek, my nose, my other cheek, my chin and finally, he kisses my lips again.

Austin sits up and spreads my legs apart. He sits in between them then, runs his hands up and down my body. Over my breast, down my stomach and goes lower, skimming across my pubic hair area.

I can feel his touch burning through my sundress, my bra, my panties. I want him.

I suddenly feel Austin's hands under my dress and gripping on to my panties.

In one swift movement, they are off and in their place are his fingers. Stroking me, rubbing me, teasing me.

My hips roll and I moan out. Austin lifts my legs up on to his shoulder one at a time with his free hand then, leans down and kisses me, there.

Oh, does it feel good. I groan as I feel his tongue slowly circling my clit around and around while, his fingers push in and out of me. All of this happens at a deliciously slow pace.

I moan as he continues to lick, kiss and suck on me. When I come apart, he slides inside of me, slowly, making me come apart again.

As he pushes in and out of me, he laces our fingers together and pins my arms above my head. He showers me with kisses and tells me over and over that he loves me.

We come apart together in the most beautiful way. And as we lay there panting, I start to cry.

I've missed this man so much but, I also realize that I have just cheated on Christian.

I push Austin off and quickly slide my panties back on.

"Ana...." Austin starts but, I cut him off.

"Where have you been?! Why did you let me think you were dead?!" I cry out, trying my besy to hold myself together.

"Ana, I...."

"Ana, there you are...I...." Christian comes walking into the light of the opening and when he sees that I'm crying and Austin adjusting his fly, I know he is assuming the worst.

"You son of a bitch! I told you to stay away from her!" Christian shouts then, throws the first punch.

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