Chapter Fourteen

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Elliott's Point Of View:

A few hours earlier:

I step inside my little bros home and find him raging through the place, yelling at his security dudes.

"Find out who that fucker was on the phone ! I want him and Anastasia back here, immediately!" Christian's voice booms through the room.

All the security men flinch, except Taylor, who nods at me as they all leave out the front door.

"Hey man, what's going on?" I ask as I pass him and make my way to his kitchen.

"Has Kate heard from, Anastasia?" Christian follows behind me, the rage still evident in his voice.

"Not that I know of, why? Is she missing or something?" I face him as I pull his refrigerator door open.

"Or something." Christian mutters, dragging his hands through his hair and down his face.

I turn back around and continue to rummage through his food, stuffing my mouth with random bits of things.

"She found out about Austin." Christian says finally. His voice strained as if in pain.

I spin around with half a croissant hanging out my mouth and a beer in my right hand.

"Wbbbhhhaaauuuttt?!" I shout, spitting bread every where.

Christian nods once and looks away from me.

"Did....did she see him?" I wipe my mouth and open up the beer.

"Yes." I watch my brother stroll over to the huge windows, his head hanging slightly.

In the reflection, I can tell how sad he is.

With a sigh, I toss back my beer and head toward the front door.

"Mind if I borrow Taylor and another security dude?" I call over my shoulder.

"Fine." Christian replies softly.

I watch him for a moment, as he gazes out the window. Just as I suspected, in the reflection, I see a lone tear run down his cheek.

I gotta find Ana.

A few hours later....

I sit in the backseat on Christian's SUV Audi and watch as Taylor and Sawyer carry a drunk Anastasia and, Kate toward the car.

I quickly dial Christian's number, he answers on the first ring.

"I found her." I say as I scoot toward the door.

"Good." He breathes and hangs up.

I know he wants to see her, so that's where I plan on taking her.

I only knew where they would be because, Kate texted me this morning saying she was going out with one of her friends. It took me only two minutes after leaving Christian's place to put it all together.

I slowly open the door once they are set down in front of the car and watch as Anastasia's eyes go wide.

When I step out the car, her eyes and Kate's grow as huge as baseballs.

"What in the hell were you thinking, Katherine!" I yell at her and she turns super red.

"And, you!" I turn my attention toward Anastasia,"Christian has been going crazy, tearing this city apart trying to find you! The least you could do is call him and let him know you're alive!"

I take a deep breath and hold the back passenger door open," Both of you, in the car. Now! You are in SO, much trouble!"

I climb in behind them, slamming the door close. Which causes both of them to jump.

Taylor and Sawyer hop in and speed off into the night.

Anastasia starts to fidget more and more as we get closer and closer to Escala.

Suddenly, she begins to cry and claw at the door handle.

"I can't go there! I can't see him. Let me out, pleased" she cries, banging on the window.

Kate wraps an arm around her but, Anastasia shakes it off.

"Elliott, please! I can't....please...please!" She turns her big, crying eyes to meet mine.

"Please." She whispers again as we pull into the underground garage of Escala.

I say nothing and turn away from her. I'm not trying to be cruel but, she and Christian need to talk , not run and hide from each other.

Once we park, I step out and help Kate out as well.

I stick my hand out for Anastasia. She sits there for a moment before taking it.

When out the car, she stares at me for a heartbeat then, takes off running.

Sawyer chases after her and manages to catch her before she gets out. Taylor stands nearby with a unhappy look on his face.

I take Kate's hand again and lead her to my car as Sawyer carries a screaming and crying Anastasia toward the elevator.

I hope she and Christian can stop being childish and work things out.

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