Chapter Twelve

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Anastasia's Point Of View:

I close the car door and face Kate who has her eyebrows raised.

"What was that about?" She asks as I snap on my seatbelt.

"Christian called. That guy answered the phone." I grip the phone tightly in my sweaty hand, we need to go before he shows up. When I flew back the other day, I went to his apartment and collected most of my things. Then, I fled to this small motel. It was far away from Christian and his ivory tower.

I planned on staying until I went back to work but, Kate would hear nothing of it. Once Taylor came and did his sweep, she phoned me and told me I was coming to stay with her.

I don't know how this is going to work, seeing as how Elliott is practically there almost every day. He of course, will go back and tell Christian where I am.

I roll down the window, since Kate won't let the top down and, think of how I am going to avoid Christian for the rest of my life.

Austin too for that matter. Though, at least he has been giving me my space.

I sigh again and close my eyes.

"Listen Ana, you need to get out, have some fun. What Christian and Austin did was, fucked up. You need to leave them both behind and move on." Kate huffs as she speeds down the highway.

"I can't just, "move on", Kate. I love....." I sigh again and open my eyes, staring out the window, trying my best to fight back tears.

"Them both. I get it. You're in love with two men. Brothers at that." I can hear the humor in her voice.

I raise up my hand and flip the bird at her.

Kate gasps, "Why, Anastasia Rose Steele! How dare you!"

Her tone is so serious, it makes me laugh. She joins in, both of us, laughing like we have no problems at all.

"See! You need to laugh! You need to have fun! We, are so going out toniiigggghhhhtttt!" She yells then turns the radio up to the max volume level.

Sugar, by Maroon 5 blast through the speakers. Kate sings along, horribly. Tapping her hand against the steering wheel and bobbing her head to the beat.

I realize Kate is right. I need to focus on me. Have fun, live life.

I yank my hair tie out of my hair, stick my head out the window and sing along at the top of my lungs.

For the first time in what seems like forever, I am, happy.

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