Chapter Ten

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Christian's Point Of View:

I enter my home and immediately call out Ana's name. There is no response. I drag my bags into our bedroom and call her name again. Nothing.

"Anastasia, where are,....." I pause and stare at the open closet door. I walk over, open it and almost punch a hole in the wall.

She's fucking gone.


"Where is she, Taylor? Where the fuck is Anastasia?!" I yell slamming my fist down on my desk.

"I'm not sure, sir. She came here and left. I thought she went back to her old apartment but, she isn't there." Taylor is looking every where but at me.

"Did Kate tell you she wasn't there?" I ask, my breathing increasing.

"Yes, sir. I also took a look around."

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK! I have to find her. I have to fix this. Check and see if she went home. Find her!" I yell again as I pace my office.

Taylor slips out the room and I finally let go. I punch a hole in the wall next to me and knock all the things off my desk.

I was so close. We, were so close, to our happily ever after. To being husband and wife.

I take the engagement ring out of my pocket and stare at it, wishing I could turn back the hands of time.

My office door opens again and there stands Austin. I hop to my feet but, he raises both his hands in surrender.

"I'm just here to return this." He says and sets an envelope on my now, empty desk.

I open it and see a scrap of papers with numbers and letter written on it.

"What the hell is this?"

"The wire number, to return the money you gave me. I never used any of it. I couldn't. I've been working and surviving off of whatever money of my own that my Mom was able to sneak and send me. I had to contact her,let her know I was alive. But, yeah I had to give you that. I don't want it, I don't need it. And had I been in my right mine when i signed that contract, I wouldn't have ever signed it. And not just because I want Ana but, because it's not right. If....if you talk to Anastasia, tell her I am sorry and, give her this." He lays a thick, tall brown envelope on my desk and walks away.

Part of me wants to tear it open or, burn it but, I don't want to do that and then Anastasia finds out about it. She already hates me. So, I sigh and tuck it away in my desk.

I pull my cellphone out my pocket and try to call her again. I know she won't pick up but, it doesn't hurt to try.

Just as I suspected, the phone rings and rings.

When I am about to hang up, someone amswers the phone.

"Hello?" A male voice says and all I see is red.

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