Season1 episode1

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Jessie: Hi there, can I help you?
Winter: Yeah, who are you? You don't look like our usual nanny.
Jessie: Oh, I am Jessie. I am new here.
Zuri: Can she be our new nanny? Please?
Winter: Wait a minute. Who said anything about needing a new nanny?
Luke: Mom and dad did. The last one quit.
Ravi: I hope we don't have to go through that again. I really liked her.
Jessie: Well, it seems like you guys need me then.
Emma: Just don't mess up anything like our last nanny did. She destroyed my science project.
Winter: And stay away from my stuff too.
Bertram: Don't worry about that, Winter. No one wants your stuff.
Jessie: (laughs) That's not very nice, Bertram. But don't worry kids, I'll do my best not to make any mistakes.
Zuri: Yay! You can start right now. Let's go upstairs and play!
Throughout the day, Jessie tries her best to make the children happy, but she keeps making mistakes. She accidentally offends Zuri by telling her that mermaids aren't real and fears Ravi's pet water monitor. But as the day goes on, Jessie starts to understand the Ross children more and more and realizes how much they miss their parents who are always away on business trips.
Jessie: Hey guys, let's have a heart-to-heart talk for a moment here.
Emma: What is it?
Jessie: Your parents love you so much but they are always away on business trips and this leads you feeling lonely at times when they are not here with you. It is natural to feel that way though it doesn't mean your parents love you any less than before.

Luke- We miss them so much!
Ravi- Yeah!
Zuri- We'd do anything for them!
Jessie- I understand what you're going through, but you have to try to understand their point of view too. They work hard to provide for your family and sometimes that means they have to go away for a while.
Emma: That's true. We've never really thought about it that way before.
Winter: So what can we do?
Jessie: Well, for starters, I suggest we all work together and make this house as lively and fun as possible. That way when your parents come home, they'll see all the great things we've done together and they'll be proud of us.
The kids nod their heads in agreement and smile.
Emma: I like that idea. Let's get started!
Over time, Jessie becomes a part of the family and starts to understand each child's unique personality. She even attends Emma's science fair at school which she wins with a newly refurbished project, earning her the respect of the children.
Morgan and Christina come back home early as soon as they find out about this fair. They could sense something special going on at home that they needed to be part of it. When they arrive home, they see how happy their children are after meeting Jessie.
Morgan: Jessie, thank you so much for taking care of our children while we were away.
Christina: They seem so happy with you here!
Jessie: Thank you so much! It was my pleasure taking care of them.
Emma: Mom! Dad! You're home early!
Luke- We missed You
Ravi- Yes Indeed
Winter- So what did you think?
Christina: (smiling) It looks like you guys had a lot of fun while we were gone.
Morgan: (hugging each child) And that's all that matters to us. We are glad to see our family happy again.
Christina pulls Jessie aside.
Christina: Jessie, the kids won't stop talking about you. We would like to offer you a permanent job as our nanny if you are interested.
Jessie: Wow, that's amazing! I would love to stay and continue taking care of them.
And so Jessie stays on as the Ross children's nanny, making sure that they are always happy and taken care of. She becomes a part of their family and helps them realize that despite their parents' busy schedules, they are still loved and valued.

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