Season1 finale💔

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Jessie: Alright, everyone it's "Gotcha Day" time! Zuri, are you excited?
Zuri: Yes, Jessie! I can't wait to celebrate the day when I was brought home.
Emma: You know what's funny? When Ravi first arrived, we thought Mr. Kipling was supposed to be a baby because his room was decorated like a nursery.
Ravi: (with a sad expression) That's not funny. I wasn't supposed to be born then.
winter: (accidentally blurts out) Wait, so Morgan and Christina were expecting a baby instead of you?
Ravi: (gets upset) What? Why do you all think this is something to joke about?
Morgan: (angrily) winter, why would you say that?!
Christina: (also angry) That's not true at all. We were never expecting another baby.
Luke: Guys, everyone just relax. Let's not ruin "Gotcha Day".
Bertram enters the room.
Bertram: What's going on? Why is everyone fighting?
Jessie: Ravi got upset because of what we said about him not being planned.
Bertram: Wait, what are you talking about?
Morgan and Christina enter the room.
Morgan: We should explain it to Ravi ourselves.
Christina speaks up hesitantly,"Ravi, your birth certificate had a typo. It said 2011 instead of 2001. That's why we went through the process of adopting."
Ravi seems confused but slowly understanding washes over his face."Oh.. So you guys really wanted me."
Morgan nods."Yes son we did."
Emma suddenly jumps up with an idea,"Hey guys let's get back to celebrating "Gotcha Day!"
Everyone cheers as Winter walks in holding a gift for Zuri:"Here's your "Gotcha Day" present Zuri, I got you a zebra!"
Zuri squeals with delight.
Jessie turns to Ravi,"I'm sorry Ravi. I didn't mean to make you upset. Happy "Gotcha Day"!"
Ravi smiles,"Thank you Jessie."
The family celebrates the rest of the day, happily enjoying each other's company and grateful for the unexpected addition to their lives.

Jessie: Hey guys, have you noticed how strange Mr. Kipling has been acting lately?
Luke: Yeah! He's been really mean to Ravi and has been having all of these weird food cravings.
Emma: Maybe he's just going through a phase.
Winter: I don't think so. My pet iguana acted like that when she was pregnant.
Zuri: Wait, what?! Mr. Kipling is a girl?
Winter: Yes! And she's guarding her twelve babies!
Jessie: Wow, that is quite a surprise. But we're going to have to keep this quiet from the rest of the family for now.
Meanwhile, Zuri is sobbing uncontrollably.
Luke: Zuri, what's happened? What's wrong?
Zuri: Millie the Mermaid died! She got stabbed by a swordfish and I think it was murder!
Emma: Murder?! Are you sure?
Zuri: Positive! We have to do something about this!
The mailman accidentally ships Mr. Kipling's eggs to a restaurant.
Jessie: Okay guys, we need to get those eggs back before it's too late!
Ravi: I have an idea! Let's pretend to be waiters and try to get them back sneakily.
At the restaurant, the eggs hatch and twelve little lizards are born!
Luke (whispering): So cute!
Bertram (sobbing): No, not more pets!
Jessie: Guys, we need to leave before anyone finds out about this.
The episode ends with the entire family attending Millie the Mermaid's funeral.

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