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Jessie: Winter! How many times do I have to tell you to start your homework early?
Winter: (groans) It's not due until Friday, Jessie.
Jessie: That's not the point. You always wait until the last minute. Just like Emma over here.
Emma: (defensive) Hey! I'm doing my social studies report right now.
Winter: (grinning) Good luck with that. Jessie's best trait is being a drill sergeant.
Jessie: (laughs) Ha ha, very funny. But seriously, we're going to Battery Park and you're taking your report with you.
Emma: Why can't I just finish it when we get back?
Jessie: Because you need to learn that procrastination doesn't pay off in life.
(As they ride the subway, they get lost and take various trains)
Winter: (exasperated) Are we there yet?
Luke: (enthusiastically break dancing) Woo! This is awesome!
Bertram: (screaming from the kitchen) AHHH! Spider!
Luke: (going into superhero mode) Not to fear, Bertram! Luke is here!
Bertram: (skeptical) What are you going to do? Dance with it?
Luke: Hmm...not a bad idea...but I think we should try something else first.
(They try various methods to get rid of the spider)
Luke: Okay, final plan. We lure it onto this piece of paper with some cheese and then flick it out the window.
Bertram: That's your plan? "Winging-it" isn't always a good idea, Luke.
(The plan works and they celebrate)
Later that night...
Emma: (typing away on her computer) Done! Thanks for forcing me to bring my report, Jessie. I got some great ideas from our subway adventure today.
Winter: (excitedly) And Luke and Bertram got rid of a poisonous spider!
Luke: (grinning from ear to ear) And now we have hundreds of little spider babies.
Everyone: (horror-struck) Ew!
( them all screaming and running away from Luke's new "pets.")

Jessie: Hey Luke, can you help me set up the camera for this video?
Luke: Sure thing, Jessie. What kind of video are we making?
Jessie: I want to show my friend back in Texas this tiara that Morgan bought for Christina when they got married.
Ravi: That's a fancy looking tiara. Be careful not to drop it.
Emma: Yeah, winter would flip if she saw you with that thing on your head.
Zuri: Speaking of winter, where is she?
Jessie: (looking worried) Um, guys? I dropped the tiara into Mrs. Chesterfield's pool.
Everyone else: What?!
Winter: Jessie, why did you have the tiara on? That's not yours to wear!
Emma: And now Mrs. Chesterfield won't give it back?!
Jessie: Right, and she's threatening to tell Morgan and Christina that I was wearing it without permission.
Bertram (walking in): Wait a minute, what's going on here?
Zuri: Jessie dropped the tiara in Mrs. Chesterfield's pool and now she won't give it back.
Emma: And Jessie needs a distraction so she doesn't get caught using it.
Bertram: (looking uncomfortable) Um, okay. I guess I could ask her out on a date or something?
Winter: Perfect! That'll keep her busy while we figure out how to get the tiara back.
Luke: This is hilarious. You guys all look like secret agents trying to retrieve some priceless artifact!
Ravi: Shut up Luke! This is serious!
The group sets their plan in motion and Bertram nervously asks out Mrs. Chesterfield, successfully keeping her occupied while they retrieve the tiara from the pool. They return it safely to its rightful owners just in time before Morgan and Christina return home from their trip. Jessie, feeling guilty, apologizes and promises to never wear anything that's not hers again. The group shares a laugh and Winter declares it was all worthy of being filmed for their own reality show.

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