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Jessie: Zuri, why are you sleeping on the couch again? Didn't we talk about facing your fear of Betty Die Time?
Zuri: I can't help it, Jessie! Those dolls are creepy and I can't close my eyes without picturing them coming to life and killing me!
Jessie: (takes a deep breath) Ok, I understand your fear. I have a confession too. I'm terrified of Porta-Potties.
Zuri: What?
Jessie: It's true. Whenever I see one, I get flashbacks to that time at summer camp when-
Luke: (interrupts while walking in with Ravi) Hey ladies, what's up?
Jessie: Not much. Just sharing our fears.
Ravi: Fears? Is anything scarier than getting rejected by the girl you like?
Luke: (smirks) My dear brother, let me teach you the art of impressing women. First, never use the word "rejected."
Ravi: (rolls his eyes) Okay, please enlighten me then.
(Emma walks in)
Emma: Tanya was just telling me-
Tanya: (overly enthusiastic) Hey Luke! You won't believe this hug I just got from-
Ravi: (cuts off Tanya dramatically) You backstabber! You betrayed me by trying to get with my girl!
Luke: Whoa, Ravi calm down. Tanya doesn't like me like that. She just gave me a hug because she's my friend.
Bertram: (enters dressed in an opera outfit carrying a large breadstick) Ahem. Excuse me everyone but can we focus on the fact that I may have just won a long vacation to Italy?!
Everyone else stares at Bertram in shock.
Zuri: Congrats Bertram!
Jessie: That's amazing!
Emma:(sarcastically) How nice for you.
Luke: (to Ravi) Bro, we need to work on your jealousy issues.
Ravi: (sheepishly) Yeah, sorry about that. It's just, Tanya is the first girl I've ever liked.
Luke: (puts arm around Ravi) It's all good. I'll help you get her attention in a non-threatening way.
(All the while, Zuri and Jessie work on facing their fears with the help of each other and some inspiring speeches from the rest of the group. As they all settle down for bed later that night, they share their weirdest dreams based on their fears.)
Emma: Mine involved being surrounded by cats forever. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Everyone else laughs and drifts off to sleep peacefully, conquering their fears together.

(This part is written by an ai so sorry if it's messy)
As soon as they landed on the island, Jessie began to panic. "What the hell was that?" she shouted. "Everyone needs to stay quiet and follow me, we need to get off this island."
"Jessie, what happened?" Emma asked in concern.
"I don't know, but we need to get moving. We need to find shelter and food before it gets dark," Jessie replied.
Luke jumped in front of Zuri and Winter protectively. "These woods are dangerous, we need to stick together."
"Monsters!" Zuri exclaimed, scared out of her mind.
"There's no such thing as monsters, Zuri," Bertram reassured her.
Suddenly, Jessie stumbled as she stepped on a log and twisted her ankle. Emma rushed to her aid only for Jessie to scream out in pain. Winter knew exactly what had happened - a poisonous bug bite.
"You're going insane! I've read about this," Winter shouted.
"We need to find Mr.Kipling's antidote!", Ravi exclaimed.
"Who the hell is Mr.Kipling?" Luke asked confusedly
"The old biologist who lives on this island," Ravi replied.
"All right everyone follow me," Jessie said recovering from Winter's comment.
As they made their way through the dense forest, they encountered strange creatures hiding behind trees and bushes. Jessie refused to give up despite the odds of survival looking slim.
Emma finally managed to pilot a helicopter close enough for a rescue mission but when she landed on the makeshift landing pad an insane biologist in an insect mask emerged from his hut.

"Don't worry kids he maybe looks insane but he is harmless!",Jessie shouted confidently.
With everyone safely aboard the helicopter, Ravi saw Mr.Kipling staring him down while crying and whimpered "I'll come back for you soon my friend."
Jessie couldn't believe their family vacation had turned into such an adventure and had massive scrapes on her leg from the strange creatures while Winter was sulking about not having her own tanning chair.
As they all settled in for the flight home, Bertram brought out a platter of "roast bird." Suddenly, there were chirping sounds coming from beneath the bird. Bertram had cooked a mother bird and its babies!
"Winter is going to throw up," Emma exclaimed as she handed over a barf bag to her sister.
"That's it, we're going to Disney World next year!" Jessie shouted over the sound of Winter emptying her stomach.
Everyone smiled at her, and they knew that everything was going to be all right in the end.

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