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Jessie: Thank you all for coming! We are excited to showcase our play today.
Winter: What's the play about again?
Jessie: It is a love story. And before we start, I want to give a special shout-out to Luke. He has been fantastic in his leading role.
Luke: Thanks, Jessie!
Connie: (whispers) She's only saying that because she wants you to kiss her on stage.
Luke: (disgusted) What? Ew, no.
Winter: (giggling) Ignore Connie, Luke. You got this.
Jessie: (clears throat) Okay, let's get started. Lights, camera... action!
(Zuri enters with Bertram)
Zuri: Hey guys! I'm here for my job shadowing assignment and I picked Bertram to follow around for the day!
Bertram: (smiling) Well hello there little lady.
Zuri: So what do you do all day as a butler?
Bertram: A lot of things. Like cooking, cleaning and taking care of the Ross family. It's not as easy as you think it is, Zuri.
Zuri: (determined) Oh, I can handle it all! Watch me!
Meanwhile on stage...
Connie:(interrupting the play)"Can we take a quick break?"
Winter:(curious)"What happened?"
Connie:"Nothing major,it just became pretty clear that the role of leading female would be much better suited for me."
Emma:(sarcastic)"Oh really? And why didn't you speak up before then?"
Jessie:"Connie,we have made our decisions and rehearsals are almost done.We can't change it anymore.So please take your seat"
Luke:I couldn't agree more with Jessie.Sorry Connie.(smiling widely)
(Back in the house...)
Bertram:(tired) Zuri, it's time for you to go home.
Zuri: (unimpressed) But Bertram, we didn't finish everything yet.
Bertram: (grateful) Zuri, you have been so kind and helpful today. But I need to rest now. Thank you for caring about me.
Zuri: (surprised) Of course, Bertram! You're my friend too!
And with that heartfelt moment, Winter and Emma came inside to find their sister learning a valuable lesson. The play ended up being a hit, even with Connie begrudgingly cheering Luke on from the sidelines. But in the end, the applause was for everyone on stage and off who helped create such a wonderful show.

Emma: "Alright guys, I'm leaving Luke and Ravi under your care. Don't let them destroy everything while I'm gone."
Winter: "Don't worry, Emma. We got this. Just go and find out what those noises are coming from the dumbwaiter."
Luke: "Yeah, we can handle ourselves. We'll be just fine."
Ravi: "Hold on, I want to help search for the creature making that noise in the dumbwaiter shaft."
Winter: "Wait, Ravi! It's dangerous. You don't know what's lurking inside there!"
Ravi: "It's okay. I got this."
Luke: (dressed up as Indiana Jones) "Ravi? Where are you?"
Winter: "I knew it was a bad idea to let Ravi go around there alone!"
Luke: "Relax, Winter. We'll find him."
(They eventually stumble upon a pile of animal bones)
Winter: (terrified) "Oh my god, Luke! What is that?"
Luke: "I don't know! But let's get out of here before something happens!"
Emma: (enters the room) "What's going on?"
Winter: (breathless) "We found a pile of animal bones in the dumbwaiter shafts!"
Emma: (laughs) "Oh, that? That's Manny the Mongoose's chew toy."
(As they are about to leave...)
Jessie bursts in.
Jessie: "Guys! You won't believe what just happened. I auditioned for a role on a TV show and Zuri upstaged me!"
Winter: (sarcastic) "That never happens around here..."
Jessie:(clenches her fists angry)  "That little diva stole my chance at fame!"
Emma:(concerned)"No way...that could have been your big break!"
Bertram (interrupts) "Well, if there's no other way to save your fame, maybe we could build a time machine and go back in time."
Winter: (rolling her eyes) "Good one, Bertram. Very helpful."
(the producer bursts in)
Producer: "Jessie, I'm sorry but Zuri has the part. Your attitude just won't fit the role."
Jessie: (begging) "Please! Give me another chance!"
Producer: "I'm sorry Jessie. It's already done. The part is not intended for you."
(Everyone looks on as Jessie exits the room in a huff)

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