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Jessie: So, Emma, tell me about Vincent. I'm dying to know everything!
Emma: He's just... amazing. You know how he is, so mysterious and adventurous.
Zuri: Mysterious? More like dangerous.
Jessie: What do you mean?
Zuri: I mean, he looks like trouble to me. I don't like him hanging around our friend.
Emma: Zuri, please. Vincent is not that bad.
Bertram: Girls, can we keep it down? I've got work to do here.
Luke: Yeah, and so do I. I can't wait to see the tree Zuri planted in Central Park!
Ravi: Me too! It's going to be amazing.
Winter: Can we focus on something else for a change? Like for example, what are we going to do tonight?
Jessie: Sorry, Winter. We were just talking about Emma's new boyfriend.
Winter: Ugh, Vincent? That guy is nothing but trouble. I can tell you that much.
Emma: What do you mean? He's an awesome guy!
Winter: Awesome? More like awful! You need to stay away from him if you know what's good for you.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. When Jessie opened it, she saw Vincent standing there with a bouquet of flowers.
Vincent: Hi darling! How are you?
Emma blushed and couldn't say anything while Jessie and Winter exchanged concerned glances.
Jessie (whispers): This can't be good...
Will Vincent prove Winter right by being bad for Emma? Will Zuri's overprotective nature lead her tree project astray? Only time will tell in this drama-filled tale of friendship and adventure!

Jessie: Hey, Winter! What are you up to?
Winter: Not much, just watching TV. What's going on?
Jessie: Zuri is competing in the Little Miss Big Apple competition against Lindsay, and she doesn't have a talent.
Winter: Oh no. Is there anything we can do to help her?
Jessie: Actually, I came up with a plan. I'm going to teach Zuri how to lip sync, so she can perform as her talent.
Winter: That's genius! But isn't that cheating?
Jessie: Yeah, but it's just a little harmless fun.
Winter: I don't know, Jessie. We shouldn't be teaching Zuri that cheating is okay.
Later at the competition
Emma: Wow, Zuri looks so pretty!
Luke: Look at all those other girls. They look like they've been practicing for weeks.
Zuri (whispering): Don't worry guys, I've got this.
(Zuri walks onto stage and begins lip syncing flawlessly)
Lindsay's mom whispers to Agatha "I think Lindsay has this in the bag"
(Zuri finishes her performance)
Audience Claps
(The judge announces the winner.)
Judge: And the winner of Little Miss Big Apple is... Lindsay!
Emma and Luke look disappointed
Zuri smiles and says "That's okay. We had fun."
Jessie apologizes to them and tells them that cheating is never alright," Everyone makes mistakes sometimes".
Ravi and Luke are doing their science project when Bertram walks in.
Bertram "What are you two up to?"
Luke "Just some scientific experiments"
Ravi "It's a surprise."
Bertram doesn't seem too convinced but leaves them alone.
A few days later
Bertram hatches a plan of his own. He pretends to have chest pains while they're out in public and it scares them both.
Luke and Ravi learn their lesson and Jesse ends up paying the losing part of their bet by hanging upside down in a monkey suit at Central Park with Agatha. Emma and Zuri watch from afar, laughing hysterically.
Winter: You know, things never get boring around here.
Jessie: Yeah, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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