☆ ONE ☆

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My fingers curled around the seatbelt that held me tight in my seat. I was never supposed to be here. My eyes squeezed shut tighter. It was just one stupid mistake. I sucked in a deep breath through my nose. I should be floating. Dead.

I pushed the breath out of my mouth. Maybe my original fate was better than this. I squeezed my teeth together hard as my entire body shook from turbulance. I shouldn't have taken the deal. My stomach knotted and I felt as if I might throw up.

Jaha's voice pulled me from my thoughts, fast. I couldn't listen to what he said, it's not like it applied to me anyways. I wasnt supposed to be here. There was 101 of us on this drop ship and I was the odd one out. My head slammed into the seat behind me as we landed and my hand shot up to the back of it, rubbing the sore spot.

The seatbelt came undone on its own and I took a moment to myself, not wanting to get up immediately. Everyone around me was standing, fighting to be the first one down the ladder to make it to the first level. There wasnt room for me to stand even if I had wanted to, although I wasnt sure my legs would work, and I didnt want to get up.

The entire top level was empty before I talked myself into getting up out of my seat. You can do this Elina. I pulled myself up and walked to the ladder, shuddering at the cold feeling from the metal ladder before climbing down it. I turned to see that the dropship was empty, everyone was already outside. I'm the odd one out once again.

I was the last one. I stood at the entrance of the dropship & looked around. Who knew what was out there. I was worried about predators that we had never even heard of. Surely animals had mutated over the 100 years. I looked at the teenagers, running around excitedly, shouting happily. I couldnt relate to them, and I also didnt know any of them.

Even the oldest of the group were a year or two younger than me. I recognized three people from my station, but I had never spent any time with them. Jasper Jordan, Monty Green, and John Murphy.

I sat down on the metal door, taking everything in. I pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs and resting my chin on the tops of my knees. I decided people watching would be the best way to spend my first moments on Earth. Maybe if I watched them long enough I could understand how to fit in with them.

"You look lonely." A voice from beside me startled me. I turned my head to see a boy a few years younger than me with long brown hair. He's cute.

"Not lonely." I answered. "Just alone."

"I didn't know there was a difference." He replied.

I nodded my head. "There is. Trust me."

"Well, do you want to be alone?" He questioned. I could tell him right then and there to leave me alone, but I also didnt know anyone here. I had the chance to make a friend and for once I wasnt going to turn it down. I shook my head no. "I'm Finn."

"I'm Elina." I rested the side of my head on my knees and looked up at him, as he had moved to stand in front of me rather than beside me.

"So." He began. "How much do you hate that bracelet."

He motioned toward the metal bracelet sending spikes into my wrist. It was safe to say that I hated it a lot. The difference between mine and everybody else's was that mine wasnt real. Technically it was, but it wasnt transmitting anything. Nobody on the Ark was checking my vitals to make sure I was okay, if I died no one up there would know.

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