☆ FOUR ☆

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"You need stitches." Clarke held my leg in her hands looking closely as my wound. Stitches? I had never had them in my life.

"Like...right now?" I was shaking again.

"I'll need to find supplies first, but yeah." Her lips were forced into a tight line and her face was serious as ever. "You guys stay here, I'll figure something out."

Where else would I go? Where else could I go? My leg was 100% fucked.

She pulled herself up and walked out of the dropship. I closed my eyes and took deep breathes. The thought of having stitches made me more nervous than the thought of telling Finn what I had done on the Ark to get locked up. It wasnt about what I had done necessarily, but the aftermath of my arrest.

"Have you ever gotten stitches before?" I asked Finn.

He shook his head. "Have you?"

I shook mine. "I'm scared."

I turned my head to lock eyes with him. He seemed unsure of what he could say to make me feel better, but seconds later said, "I'll be here the whole time. You'll be okay."

"I dont know if this is weird, but can I hold your hand?" I regretted the question instantly. I didnt want him to see me as weak, or someone who needed him for anything. Or worse, think I liked him.

"Always." He turned his hand so his palm was facing the ceiling and his fingers were spread, waiting for mine to fill the spaces. I slipped my hand into his and squeezed gently, waiting for Clarke to come back with everything she needed.

Part of me wanted her to hurry up, I just wanted to get this over with. But the other part of me wanted her to never come back. I wanted to sit alone with him forever, my hand in his. Suddenly the ground wasnt as scary, and in that moment I knew that things wouldnt be so bad.

As long as I had him by my side, even as just a friend, I could get through all of the scary, horrific things I would be faced with on the ground. It was a huge relief to have someone there for me when I had never had that before.

"I didnt think I'd be able to do it, but I found everything I needed." Clarke said to us as she walked through the door.

"How bad will it hurt?" I questioned.

"Well, it wont feel good." She crouched down in front of me. "But luckily for you I know what im doing."

I couldnt watch while she did it. I squeezed my eyes shut as tight as I could and squeezed Finn's hand even harder. I was scared I was going to break at least a few of his bones, but I was sure if I had done that Clarke would be able to fix that as well.

"There we go, you're all sewn up." I could hear the smile as Clarke talked.

"Its over?" I slowly opened my eyes and looked down at her.

"Yup." She was smiling. It wasnt a big smile, or a happy smile. But one that said: im exhausted and im glad im done fixing people for the day.

"So...where are we supposed to sleep for the night?" I questioned. I had seen the tents, but since none of us had really been at the camp at night I had no idea what I was supposed to do.

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