☆ SIX ☆

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"Do you think we can leave?" Wells asked after hours of us sitting around. I was sure he wanted to leave. Clarke and him had fought through half of the time we had been in there.

"Maybe we should wait a little longer." Finn replied. I shook my head. Poison gas or sitting here listening to Clarke and Wells argue some more? I choose poison gas.

"We should have left an hour ago." Clarke had argued an hour ago that we needed to get back and help Jasper. She argued an hour before that for the same thing, and an hour before that and an hour before that and so on and so forth.

"How about we take a vote." I was squeezed into the corner, pressed against Octavia. I was ready to leave and was sure that the rest of them were as well. "Not that im ungrateful for how close we've gotten through this process."

I patted Octavia's knee and she gave me a side eye that suggested that she was as ready to leave as Clarke was.

"All in favor of leaving raise your hand." Octavia said, looking around. My hand crept up, so did Clarke's, and Wells's and Octavia's. Finn looked defeated. My leg was killing me, honestly my entire body was sore at this point and I couldnt wait to get out and stretch. Finn got up and pushed the door open slowly, making sure that it was safe to get out.

I braced myself for toxic air to fill the car and kill us all. I would be forced to watch Finn die first, as he was closest to the door. Am I about to die in Octavia's arms? Technically I'm not in her arms, but I'm close enough. Maybe it would be romantic, maybe I should ditch Finn and get with her instead.

The air was fine. None of us would die today. Shame. I was looking forward to dying with Octavia. Maybe another day. Finn climbed out of the car and helped everyone else out. I pushed my hands up and stretched my limbs as much as I could. It brought me some relief, but not nearly as much as I wanted. At least we're not in there anymore.

The walk back to camp was tense. We all just wanted to be back. Clarke had wanted to be back a long time ago. We had come all this way to help Jasper and none of us even knew if he was still alive.

None of us said anything, there was nothing to say. So much had already been said in the hours that we were crammed together.

As soon as we got back to camp I collapsed onto the floor of the dropship. "I'm never going anywhere again." I said looking up at Finn.

"You don't mean that." He responded matter of factly. He was right. If he asked me to go with him into the woods, back to the vehicle I would. Well, maybe that was a bit of an over exaggeration.

I layed back on the floor, spreading my limbs. "I do mean it. Matter of fact, I'm not sure if I'll ever walk again."

"Speaking of, you should probably get your leg checked out." He sat down next to me.

"Clarke is busy. My leg is fine." I waved my hand, brushing him off. He was right, my leg was still fucked. Probably more fucked than it had been before we left. "Besides, I'm more worried about getting a tent. We seem to be the only ones that don't have one."

"Are you saying you want to share with me?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "It seems like everyone else is sharing. Its not like we havent already slept together."

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