☆ TWO ☆

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"Your wrist is going to get infected!" Clarke shouted.

"It's wrapped!" I called back. She shook her head in frustration. "So, am I going to be the only one getting in?"

Everyone else took off various amounts of clothing. Some only taking off a shirt or their pants and others, like Octavia, took off as much as I had. I had a feeling that she was trying to show off. Maybe to someone in particular.

Its not as though Finn was my boyfriend, its not even that I wanted him to be. I hardly knew him. But the feeling that I had competition was something that made me want to want him. I had always been picked first when it came to boys, if there was competition between me and another girl I would win. Every time.

"Want me to teach you how to swim?" I asked Finn.

"You dont know how to swim." He smirked.

"Yeah, but ive been in the water the longest so I feel like im the most qualified." I grabbed his hands and pulled him deeper into the water.

"Are you going to drown me?" He questioned.

"Not on purpose." I joked, gently splashing him with water. He laughed as he wiped his hair from his face.

Hours passed before Clarke decided we had wasted too much time. Finn and I had learned to swim. Octavia had climbed onto different rocks and jumped into the water. Monty and Jasper were in the shallow end catching up with one another. And Clarke spent a majority of the time on shore studying her map and making sure that we had everything we needed to keep going.

"Okay guys, we've had our fun but we need to get as far as we can before the sun goes down." Clarke stood at the edge of the river holding onto the map.

The fabric of my clothes were uncomfortable on my wet body. Finn held onto both of our jackets as we all continued walking toward Mount Weather. I wasnt sure how we were going to be able to bring back food for everyone. I wasnt even sure that we should be bringing back food for everyone.

If they werent going to come with us to get it then did they even deserve it? What was keeping us from going there and just staying? Why did we have to go back to everyone else who didnt care enough to come?

A few more hours passed and the sun gradually fell further and further in the sky until it was nearly dark out.

"When are we going to stop?" Octavia asked. Clarke looked at the sky as if this was her first time noticing how dark it had gotten, and maybe it was. Clarke had a goal and it didnt feel like she was going to stop until she got there. It felt like nothing could stop her or slow her down. Or maybe she just didnt want anything to slow her.

"Now." Clarke answered surprising me. "Its not safe for us to keep going in the dark. We'll stop here and keep going at dawn."

Dawn. I had never been awake so early in my life. Well, technically I had never experienced dawn in my life.

I positioned myself several feet away from everyone else, sprawling out on the ground using my jacket as a pillow. I thought id be alone during my first night on Earth, but I was wrong. Thankfully.

"Mind if I sleep with you?" Finn's voice came from above me.

"Depends on what you mean by sleep with." I replied jokingly. He chuckled.

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