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The next week was spent with Finn and Clarke. During the day Finn and I would talk or play little games we made up and Clarke would randomly pop in to make sure I was okay. It felt more like she was using these trips as an escape from camp. She would update us on anything and everything that was happening while we were gone.

It wasn't anything major. Jasper was up and moving around like nothing had happened to him, although she said that he wasnt back to normal mentally. He was traumatized and wouldnt leave camp.

Murphy and Bellamy were still bossing everyone around. Sometimes she would even tell us the crazy things that Murphy was doing while on his power trip. Some of it seemed made up, for example, he had apparently peed on someone in front of everyone else.

Everyday I would practice climbing the ladder and everyday I could go a few rungs higher. Finn would stand below me in case I fell, and sometimes I wished I would fall. I imagined myself falling into his strong arms and pictured how it would feel to be held by him. I need some fresh air and exposure to other people.

Finn would only ever leave me when I slept. Occasionally I would wake up and notice that I was alone. He would be gone for a little while, going out to bring some food or water back for the two of us.

I was asleep one night when the hatch opened loudly. I was confused. Finn only left to get things for us during the day, and Clarke only ever came to check on me during the day. The hatch never opened at night. Grounders?

My stomach dropped at the thought that grounders could come in here and kill us. It had crossed my mind in the week we spent down there. I wasn't sure if we were able to lock the hatch from the inside, I suppose I never asked Finn. Maybe he didnt know either, but whether there was a lock or there wasn't it was too late.

I sat up and looked over to see boots on the top rung of the ladder. Boots from the Ark. Boots on someone who was from the Ark. Clarke? No. It was a young girl. Clarke followed right behind the girl, closing the hatch behind her.

"Clarke, what's going on?" Finn questioned.

"We needed somewhere to go, we had to get away from camp." She seemed out of breath. Finn and I looked at each other, confused.

"Had to get away from camp, why?" I asked.

She sat down on the couch, catching her breath. The young girl stood by the ladder awkwardly.

"Someone found a knife where Wells was killed. It was Murphy's. I accused him and...everything happened so fast. They hung him." She explained.

"What?" Finn was shocked, so was I. "Is he dead?"

She shook her head. "Murphy didn't kill Wells. Charlotte did. Obviously Murphy didnt take that well. I couldnt let him get ahold of her and I couldnt think of anywhere else to take her."

"So you brought a murderer here?" I questioned. I didnt think that she would murder us, she was just a little girl. But she had killed someone. Wells. Who would ever want to kill Wells of all people?

"I couldnt let Murphy have her." Clarke shook her head.

"So what now?" Finn looked from Clarke to Charlotte then back to Clarke.

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