☆ FIVE ☆

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Jasper's screams and moans woke me the next morning. I felt like I didnt get even half as much sleep as I needed. I looked over to see that Finn was gone. He left me? Maybe I had overslept and he was out making himself useful, but if that was the case then why wouldnt he have woken me up?

I'll just go upstairs and help Clarke. I knew I wanted to do something around camp so that I didnt seem like dead weight, and like I said, I was sure that's what Finn was doing. Then again, I was also sure that no one would blame me if I layed around all day, my leg had been split open just one day earlier. Maybe I could play into my injury.

I pulled myself up off the ground, feeling pain shoot through my leg. God damn. Maybe I should just lay around for the day. As I stepped up every single rung of the ladder it hurt worse. You're being a baby, your leg is fine. Instead of stepping onto the next level of the dropship I almost had to pull myself up.

"Goodmorning." Finn's voice called over to me. Finn, Octavia and Clarke sat around Jasper. Honestly I felt kind of left out. I noticed that Octavia was a little too close to Finn for my comfort.

"Why did no one wake me up?" I questioned, walking over to them without letting on that I was in pain.

"You had a rough day yesterday, I wanted to let you sleep." Finn answered. Understandable. And if I wasnt annoyed at Octavia's presence I probably wouldnt have cared. I probably would have preferred to sleep in.

It felt like every second that Octavia was with him and I wasn't, even if they werent alone, she was winning and I was losing. "Wake me up next time."

He nodded his head but didnt say anything else. Seeing them together made me more mad than it should have. Maybe its because we opened up to each other last night? I clenched my teeth as I walked toward them, not needing anyone to know just how bad my leg hurt. I subtlety pushed myself between Finn and Octavia.

"How is Jasper doing?" I asked.

"He'll be okay." Clarke said, almost more to herself than me. "We're going to have to go out again today to get something that will help to heal his wounds faster."

I nodded my head. "When are we going?"

Clarke's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You're coming with?"

"Well who's all going?" I asked.

"The three of us." Clarke motioned between her, Finn, and Octavia. If Finn and Octavia are going you bet your ass I'll be there. I dont care if I have to hop all the way there.

"Of course I'll come. What else do I have to do all day?" What I wanted to do all day was Finn.

"Are you sure your leg won't slow you down?" Octavia questioned. I was sure that was what she wanted, for me to stay behind because my leg would slow me down too much. But if that's what she thought would happen she was very wrong.

"Are you kidding?" I pretended to be surprised by her question. "My leg isnt that bad. Besides, I'm not sure anything can slow me down."

"Im going to need to look at it before we leave though." Clarke states, giving me a look that says if I dont think your leg looks good you're not going anywhere.

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