☆ NINE ☆

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I ignored the pain that shot through my leg with every step. I could deal with my leg later, but if this pod was a way to get us in contact with the Ark it was something I needed to deal with immediately. I picked up the pace and ran. Clarke is going to kill me if she finds out that ive been running.

It took me longer than I thought it would, but eventually I got to the pod. No one else had been there, no grounders, no one from the hundred. No one. I was the first. I took a deep breath. It all came down to this. If there was something other than a way to communicate with the Ark then this whole trip was pointless.

But if it was a way to get in contact with the Ark and I destroyed it, and anyone found out they would hate me. Especially after all the work Monty went though to try. I pulled the door open looking inside, bracing myself for anything.

Inside was a girl. She was unconscious and slumped over, blood running down her face. Even in the state she was in she was still the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. In front of her was a radio. This is what you came for. I pulled it out, actually, I ripped it out. I need to get rid of this.

I left the girl alone. She had nothing to do with this, I wasnt going to hurt her. I would do anything to save my life, but I wasnt going to hurt an innocent girl, especially when I didnt have to. I shut the door to the pod and ran. I need to find water. Water would destroy the radio faster than anything. I could smash it against a tree, but water seemed like a better idea.

Not only would water destroy it the fastest, but it would also make it harder to find it. It might run down stream. The sun was starting to rise when I found a stream.

Fuck. Finn would wake up and I would be gone. There was no explaining this. I threw the radio as hard as I could, watching it sink. There was no point in running back to camp, I wouldnt get there before Finn woke up. At least if I walked I would have more time to come up with a lie.

An hour or so into the walk I heard Finn call out my name. I turned to see him, Clarke and the girl from before.

"Have you seen Bellamy?" Finn asked. Bellamy? Why were they looking for him? And why were none of them questioning why I had been out in the woods while everyone else was asleep?

A smile creeped across my face when I saw Bellamy just a matter of yards away from us. Were they going to blame him? I hoped so.

"Bellamy! Where's the radio?" Clarke yelled at him. An even bigger smile spread across my face when I realized that they did think Bellamy was behind destroying the radio.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He spat. Coming closer to us.

"Bellamy Blake?" The girl asked. "Everyone on the Ark is looking for you."

"What are you talking about?" Clarke asked her.

"Shut up." Bellamy looked angry.

"He shot the chancellor." She looked him up and down.

"He deserved to die." He replied.

"Yeah he's not my favorite person either but he's not dead." Bellamy looked confused. "You're a lousy shot."

Before anyone could say anything else she looked like she came to a realization. "We don't have to talk to the Ark right? We just have to let them know we're down here?"

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