☆ TEN ☆

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I rolled over to see Finn sleeping next to me, not right next to me, but close enough. We had made our way to our tent after everyone else had gone to sleep. I hadnt been in any rush to leave the dropship, knowing that I could easily run into Raven.

Finn and I had spent that time together talking. I cherished every moment we spent together, especially the moments we spent alone. I was starting to feel like I knew him better than I knew anyone else. I had never taken the time to get to know people on the Ark.

Whitley had been my girlfriend and I felt like I barely knew her. Of course I had spent time alone with her, of course we had had many conversations with each other, but I didnt feel like I really knew her. I had always been physically attracted to her, but we didnt click the way most people clicked with their significant others.

I knew I had never been in love before, in fact, I had never even come close. It's horrible to say that I had been using her, but it wasnt horrible for me to do it. I had used everyone in my life, that was until I came to the ground. Survival on the ground versus survival on the Ark were two different things. On the Ark I formed relationships with people to get further in life, down here I wouldnt be able to do that.

I had known that immediately. On the Ark if someone tried to kill me they would be arrested and sentenced to death, or at least sentenced to spend a number of years in the sky box. If it was an official trying to kill me for a crime that I had committed I knew that there were things that I could do to get away from that fate, and I had.

Down here if someone was trying to kill me, the relationships I formed wouldnt get me out of it, and chances were I wouldnt be able to fuck my way out of death. But I could run, and that was an option I didnt have on the Ark. This was the first time in my life I had the option to form real relationships. And I was going to take advantage of that.

I decided in that moment I would give Raven a real chance. She had every right to be upset with me. I didnt need to tell her the real reason I destroyed the radio, I hadnt even told Finn yet, but I could express my regret. I was sorry for what I had done.

Finn told me last night that Raven was a very caring person, but she could get explosive at times. We were a little bit too much alike from what he had told me about her. I actually had a feeling that her and I could get along if we had the chance. I would give her a chance, but would she do the same for me?

Clarke poked her head through the front of our tent. "Have you guys seen Octavia?"

I shook my head, sitting up. Finn rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he sat up as well. "No, why?"

"Nobody can find her." Clarke explained. "If we cant find her anywhere in camp, Bellamy is going to gather people and send out a search party for her."

Because of course he is. If this was anyone else would he be making sure everyone in camp was awake to go look for them? No.

I didnt particularly like Octavia, she was a threat to me and I never took threats lightly. Maybe she had backed off recently, but I still couldnt stand to be around her. I didnt want to go after her, and I didnt care if anyone else did.

"I'll go." Finn said. My head snapped in his direction. Why?

"You dont have to. I'm sure there are going to be like fifty other people following Bellamy around and looking for her." I replied.

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