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Finn brought me out into the forest for a walk so that we could both get some fresh air and space from everyone else. I was a little worried that we would end up like Wells, if the grounders could kill him just outside of camp then what would stop them from killing us while we were deep in the woods? There was something about Finn's presence that calmed me though.

As I was walking my foot hit something harder than I had expected from the forest floor. "What is this?"

I crouched down and cleared the leaves. There was a metal hatch that had been covered.

"Shall we check this out?" I asked. I knew his answer before I asked. I wrapped my fingers around the metal hatch and pulled. It didnt budge. "A little help please."

He got down, putting his hands on the opposite side, pulling as hard as he could. With as much strength as we had we got it open. The hatch slowly opened and I looked inside. I couldnt see much, as it was dark inside.

"You first Mr. Adventurer." I motioned for him to go in. He climbed down and I heard his shoes slam against the floor beneath him. "Are there any monsters? Or I dont know.... anything else scary down there?"

"I dont know." He said. "Come down here and help me look."

In that moment the realization that I was sitting "alone" in the woods. Vulnerable. Finn was at the bottom of a long ladder if I needed help. If a grounder came out of nowhere to kill me he wouldnt be able to help. Fear hit me fast. Instead of using the ladder I jumped down into the bunker.

"Well. Thats one of doing it." He said. I landed on my feet surprisingly. He climbed up the ladder to shut the hatch and I found a light source quickly as he did so. I looked around and saw metal shelves full of different things, food and supplies. There was a couch and a bed. It was a decent bunker.

Finally everything hit me all at once. All the pain that I had felt from the moment I stepped foot on the ground hit me. Maybe it was because I was finally away from everyone and felt that it was okay to let my emotions out. Before I knew it tears were streaming down my face. I had never been so emotional in my life. What the hell is happening to me?

Finn wrapped his arms around me, pulling me as close as he could. I cried into his shirt just like Clarke had cried into mine the night before. I gasped for a breath, not remembering the last time that I had cried this hard. Why now? What is wrong with me?

Minutes went by. Many many minutes. Finn just held me and let me cry. He rubbed my back gently, never saying anything, just letting me cry. I pulled away eventually, wiping my eyes.

"I don't know what that was." I shook my head. "Im sorry for all that."

"You dont have to apologize." His hand rested on my shoulder and he stared into my eyes. Once again I wasnt sure what had come over me but I got the urge to kiss him. It came over me faster than even I could comprehend. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his.

His other hand grabbed my should and he lightly pushed me away. "Sorry I just thought-"

"I dont think now is the best time." His hands still rested on my shoulders. I stepped away from him, not wanting to be touched by him anymore. Suddenly everything felt heavy and that's when it all went dark.

CLOSE TO YOU || FINN COLLINS Where stories live. Discover now