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I jumped at the noise of someone climbing up the ladder. I wasnt sure how long I had been asleep but I knew I had slept. I looked over to see who was coming up, wishing that I could just be left alone forever. It was Clarke and someone else I had never seen before.

"You're not coming with, Wells." She said to him. Coming with where? "Oh, Elina, I didnt know you were up here."

"I can leave." I sat up, stretching my arms above my head.

"Actually, I'm going out to get Jasper. Will you come with?" She questioned, they both looked at me.

"Who's all going?" Is Finn going? I hated that my answer depended on him. My only friend in the entire world. I need more friends. In that moment I decided that even if Finn wasnt going I would go, maybe I could get closer with some other people as well. I answered before she could. "Nevermind. Yes, I'll go."

"Great." Clarke scavenged for things from the dropship while Wells hovered over her. I shouldn't be here. This is awkward. I climbed down the ladder, turning and bunping into Finn.

"Oh." I awkwardly stepped away. "Sorry."

"Please tell me you're not going with Clarke." His eyes searched my face, looking for my answer before I could give it to him myself. "Elina, its not safe."

"We'll be fine." Clarke said from behind me.

"That spear was thrown with pin point accuracy from hundrads of feet away." Finn countered. He is right. Maybe we shouldn't go. Why hadnt I taken that into consideration when I said yes?

"Spacewalker?" Clarke looked at him, disgusted. "What a joke. You think youre an adventurer but you're nothing but a coward."

Spacewalker? What does that even mean?

"Its not an adventure, Clarke, its a suicide mission." He retorted as Clarke stormed past him. "Please dont go with her."

Having him tell me what he wanted to do made me want to go against it even more. If someone wanted me to do one thing I would always do the opposite. No one could tell me what to do. Even if they were very cute, and funny and adventurous and had nice hair. 

"Jasper needs us to save him." I stated. Jasper did need our help...if he was alive. And at this point I wasnt so sure he was.

"He may not be able to be saved, its not worth risking your guy's lives to save someone who might already be dead." He replied. I shook my head. Maybe he was right, but if this was me I would want someone to come after me and help me and I was sure he would too.

"Im going, and there's nothing you can say to stop me." I stepped away from him and closer to the wide dropship door. "If you want to save me from danger you can always come with."

And with that I was gone. Clarke had invited two boys to come with us, Bellamy and Murphy. Murphy was from farm station, so I already knew who he was. I had never met or even seen Bellamy before in my life, but apparently he had a gun and we needed all the protection we could get.

Wells must have convinced Clarke somehow to let him come with us. I didnt know how I was supposed to make friends with anyone other than Finn when these were my options. Murphy was bad news. Bellamy just seemed like a typical bad boy who didnt care to make friends. Clarke was always too focused on what was next and acconplishing a mission to make friends. And Wells... I didnt know him at all.

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