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Paul scoffed loudly in annoyance at Paul, his glaze flickered from Charles and then back to me, "You're really standing here defending the bitch who's hidden her child from her family? Seriously Charles?"

Not knowing what to say or do Charles remained silent, shaking his head Paul rolled his eyes "You know what? Fine, we'll just talk about this with the whole family I guess, defend yourself without Charles there."

I sighed as he turned back to his car "Paul wait-

He shook his head and turned to me again "I can't believe you would hide her away, after everything, we all thought you were amazing for him. Seems we were fuckin wrong."

Charles and I watched in silence as he finally drove off, leaving the two of us on the lawn by ourselves. Turning around to face the house and find Camila, but before I could move Charles took a step towards me "Are you okay?"

In all honesty, I had no clue why he wasn't frustrated with me also, I had hid it from him too, but I could see the genuine concern in his eyes as he looked at me "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanking you for coming out here, but you didn't have to. If you want to yell at me too feel more than welcome, I deserve it."

He brought his hand up and scratched the back of his neck as he nodded, "Yeah, yeah I know. I just didn't want him to hurt you, or anything. He has a past."

"He wouldn't of, but I appreciate it." I reaffirmed giving him a small smile. Nodding his head in reply, he held one of his arms out for me, signalling me to come closer.

Without a second thought, I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him tightly, sighing into the fabric of his shirt the slightest smile on my lips as I entered my sisters house again, Camila sat on the sofa with the popsicle.

"Are you okay mummy?" This time there was a real smile on my face as the four-year-old looked at me with genuine concern. Nodding, I sat down on the couch next to her, "I'm okay. My friend and I had an argument so I think I just need to watch tangled."

She hurriedly shouted "Yes!" without any hesitation and ran around to find the remote for the tv, Charles awkwardly stood, "I don't know if you want to go home and just process or-

"Stay Charles! Stay!" Camila chanted putting the dvd on, she could practically recite all of the words.

Charles smiled at her, in some sense I think he enjoyed her company despite how annoyed he was at me for hiding her from everyone, she reminded him of Pierre, "I just happen to like tangled." He responded, sitting down next to her on the couch.

Before Charles could even think about heading home, Camila insisted on cheering everyone up by having a tea party. And since neither of us could say no to her, both of us ended up dressed in fluffy tutus and sparkly tiaras as she poured the pretend tea into tiny plastic cups, showing us the "proper" way to drink the tea.

I almost forgot everything that had happened today, having being totally sucked into the world Camila had created for the three of us. But then my phone buzzed, Hallies name popping up on the screen

Halle 🩵
Still ready for the shoot at four? FYI they all have SO many questions.

I let out a sigh, Charles caught on immediately to the change in my mood, his eyes meeting mine and silently questioning what was wrong. As soon as the three of you finished your fifth cup of "tea," you let out an over-dramatic sigh and looked at Camila, "I believe I have to get going, sweetheart."

Her expression dropped, a small pout forming on her lips as she threw herself into my lap, arms hooking around my neck to hug me tightly "No mummy."

"I know, I know." I replied sympathetically, pressing a kiss into the little girls forehead, I didn't want to leave either. I didn't want to have to explain my daughter's existence to everyone at the shoot and Esme wasn't even home to look after her. "I wish I didn't have to go, but I have to work for a little bit and then we can snuggle before bed? Esme will be watching and you love playing with her."

I glanced down at the time on my phone, she should be here to watch her by now and I didn't want to leave her home alone without me, Charles caught on to that "Does she have a sitter?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No um this is my sisters place and she's been kind enough to watch Camila while I'm out, she should be home but sometimes she's late home from the firm."

Charles blurted "I'll watch her." As I debated cancelling the shoot, I didn't have the answers or the energy that my colleagues deserved anyway.

Do I let him watch my daughter he hardly knows?

"Pinky promise?" Camila asked him hopefully, holding out her hand as she stuck her pinky out.

"Pinky promise," he confirmed linking pinky's with hers, she seemed excited to stay with Charles as she'd attached herself to him quickly. "The tea was a pleasure, and we can do whatever you want whilst mummy's out." He told her.

A few giggles escaped her lips at the declaration, her head shaking from side to side as she got up, taking my hands in hers in an attempt to pull me up. Once standing up, I picked her up spinning her in my arms, "Charles you don't have to stay with her, I can bring her with me."

He shook his head instantly "No I want too, please let me, I look after my girlfriends sister all of the time it's no problem."

I looked at the time, I really had to leave if I wanted to show up on time, "Fine okay, esme will be home soon and hopefully I won't be out too long, but thank you so much."

"I love you mummy!" She grinned at me as we walked to the door together, Charles met us at the door also hesitantly reaching out to place his hand on your arm, just above your elbow. I watched him carefully as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth before mumbling out, "Just... just text me when you're on your way back?"

Eyes softening slightly, I nodded "Okay."


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