twenty three

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March 4th

liked by 38,920,427 people TMZ: Juliette Laurent seen out in Monaco today with sister Esme Laurent is she shutting down the rumours of her relationship with Charles Leclerc as he's currently in Bahrain for the first race of the season? Let us know...

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liked by 38,920,427 people
TMZ: Juliette Laurent seen out in Monaco today with sister Esme Laurent is she shutting down the rumours of her relationship with Charles Leclerc as he's currently in Bahrain for the first race of the season? Let us know what you think ⬇️


username55: good, it's fucked she's with her ex fiancés bestie

random92: they'd make a cute couple!

formulaonegossip: she looks so happy ☺️

I spoke down into her phone, her boyfriend on speaker as I tried to get him to stop calling "Ben leave her with me! I'm taking her it's not even up for debate, she's mine now."

"Juliette- I need to talk to her."

Esme was desperately trying to grab her phone from me but I was doing this for her own good, "I think you've done enough Ben." I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket as we walked into the house.

"I don't think he meant it Juliette, surely he didn't mean it," she paused "He's never done anything like this before... why would he start now?"

Esme called me early this morning just after I'd dropped Camila to school in pieces, she was in floods of tears and I couldn't even navigate what she was trying to say, the basis of it was that Ben had cheated on her in Iceland and the girl only messaged her today to tell Esme.

One of the worst kinds of hurt is betrayal, because it mean someone was willing to hurt you just to make themselves feel better, "He's ridiculous Es, if he's done it once he can do it again."

She held her hands up to her face "We've been together for years Juliette, ten years this year. I can't believe he'd just throw it all away for some girl...some stranger."

After crying for two hours in my bed this morning we'd decided to head out and go shopping, I'd bought her a ton in the hopes that she might just start to feel better and for a moment she was, but now it was back to sadness.

When you survive a loss.. everyone is so quick to tell you how strong you are and how tough you must be, but actually no one has a choice to survive grief do they? It's not optional. You just have to cry in the show, sob into a pillow and hope you make it.

In breaks ups however, there is usually a choice, "I think you need to get some ice cream, watch a sad movie and get it all out of your system whilst I pick Cams up from school."

She sadly looked over at me, offering her service in picking up Camila as she wiped her nose with the back of her sleeve "I can come with."

I shook my head at her, grabbing my phone and my bag ready to leave "That's alright, just stay here and make yourself comfy. Camila will definitely have questions though so you might want to prepare yourself for that."

"Okay." She sniffled, not everything is supposed to become something beautiful and long lasting. Sometimes people come into our lives to show us what is right and what is wrong, to show you who you can be, to teach you to love yourself, to make you feel better for a little while, or just to be someone you walk with at night to spill your life to.

Not everyone is going to stay forever, and we still have to keep on going and thank them for what they've given us.


"And then miss Baxter told us that we could use the straws to pick up the smarties!" Camila exclaimed as I got her out of the car, her backpack in hand as I picked her up.

I smiled at her "Wow!"

"I know mummy! And we put sweets in water and the colours went into the water!" She attempted to explain, leaving me a little confused but smiling at her nonetheless. Since she'd started school weeks ago she's really loving it, maybe even more than she did in Italy.

I sighed at her as I locked the car, "Listen cams that's super exciting and I want you to tell me all about it, but, Aunt Es is in the house and she's a little bit sad, so we have to be really nice to her yeah?"

"Why is she sad mummy?" She wondered as she looked into my eyes, "You know her boyfriend Ben? They ended their relationship and she wasn't very happy about it." 

"Ended their relationship?" She asked mispronouncing the word relationship cutely, she wasn't very good with the letter  'r'  or just long words, still she was advanced for her age so it didn't matter too much.

I nodded to her, whispering as we walked up to the door, I wasn't exactly sure how much Esme was willing to allow Camila to know "Yeah they aren't boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, that's what it means."

Camila nodded as we entered the house, instantly running towards her aunt who was stood at the kitchen island eating strawberry ice cream straight from the tub, "Camila baby, how was school?" She asked, the mascara smudges dark and noticeable on her face.

Camila's brows were raised as she took in the peculiar behaviour of her aunt, "Fun, me and flo made daisy chains at lunch. Are you okay aunt esme?" She simply asked her, Esme nodded and headed into the guest bedroom and shut the door, she had gone to cry.

I sighed looking at Camila, grabbing her hand  "You didn't do anything wrong Mon amour, come on let's go and feed Pascale."

She wrinkled her nose upwards as we walked towards the terrarium "We never feed Pascale, dad does that."

I nodded to her, she sat on her bed watching me get the insects to feed the chameleon with "Whilst he's gone we're going to have to learn how to...."

"Mummy, why did dad leave?" She asked me sounding a little upset, instantly my head whipped around, "He has work, he's racing tomorrow and then he will be right back."

She sighed, grabbing the rabbit teddy that was on the bed next to her "First daddy leaves, then Ben leaves, Aunt Esme is sad, uncle Paul hates me and now dad leaves...." She shoved her face down into the pillow of her big girl bed.

Oh mon amour.
Charles ❤️
She said that?

I know

Charles ❤️
I'm coming straight home after the race I can't stay away anymore that's broken my heart.

You don't have to come home straight away, she'll be okay and so will I, I just didn't expect it at all

Really we miss him deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly.

Charles ❤️
I'm going to win for her tomorrow, are you both going to watch?

I promised her we would, my first Grand Prix in years

Charles ❤️
Told you that you'd become a Ferrari fan one day

I wouldn't be so sure about that..

Charles ❤️
I'll have to win you over this season then

We'll see about that, goodnight Charles x

Charles ❤️
bonne nuit ma belle , I'm jealous of your pillows and of your sheets I want to hear the sound of your heartbeat.

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