twenty one

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February 10th

liked by 43,638,927 peoplevoguemagazine: nobody else we would rather have on our january magazine than the beautiful Juliette Laurent as she tells all about her four year old daughter, life in Italy and how she has dealt with grief, a true inspira...

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liked by 43,638,927 people
voguemagazine: nobody else we would rather have on our january magazine than the beautiful Juliette Laurent as she tells all about her four year old daughter, life in Italy and how she has dealt with grief, a true inspiration 🤍


gigihadid: a queen

username029: might actually buy vogue...

juliettelaurent: thank you for this opportunity 🫶

I helped her to zip up the side of her skirt in charcoal grey, her white polo shirt tucked in already as she put her uniform on properly for the first time "It's going to be just like school in Italy, you're going to have so much fun."

She pouted at me leaning down to grab her shoes, uniform limited her expression of clothing and it always has, "I don't wanna go mummy."

"Why not?" I asked her, moving her hair out of her face as she strapped up her shoes, the velcro hardly proving to be a challenge for her.

She shrugged at me, "I don't know anyone."

I shook my head, grabbing her lunch box and putting it into her favourite pink backpack, "Yes you do, you know you went for ice cream with Halle and her daughter Florence?"

"Flo?" Camila asked.

I nodded, having her worried made my heart break, I never wanted her to dislike school its such a pivotal part of childhood,"Yeah Flo, she is in your class and you're going to have the best time! Do you remember when we spoke to your teacher a few weeks ago? She was super excited for you to come to class."

Camila nodded following me out to the car as I double checked her car seat over, my car anxiety still quite bad as I strapped her in "I guess.... What if I don't make any friends mummy?"

I raised a brow, tickling her a little to get her to smile "Is this coming from the girl who was friends with all of the kids in her class in Italy?"

She giggled "Yeah."

"Exactly," I shut the door and walked around to the front of the car, "Look, I know this is scary but you'll be okay, don't worry until you have something to worry about."

She repeated the phrase, a little smile on her face as she spoke, I looked at her from the mirror "Don't worry until I have something to worry about?"

"Mhm." I hummed as I drove her to school, thankfully school wasn't too far from the house unlike in Italy when we would drive an hour together to get to school, she'd often sleep in the car.

As we were parked in the little school garage, she really began to worry, "Mummy I don't know what to do or where to go. I don't want to be here." She kept repeating, hyperventilating in the seat.

I kept reminding her "Tomorrow will be better."

"But what if it's not mummy?"

"Then you say it again tomorrow, because it might be. You never know, right? At some point, tomorrow will be better." I promised her, advice I'd taken on myself when I was alone and pregnant in Italy.

"I don't get it mummy."

I sighed, walking around to get her out of the seat and holding her in my arms, she instantly buried her head in my neck, as we walked up to the reception classroom door, other parents surrounding it with their kids, it's hard being the 'new kid'.

"Oh my god, are you Juliette Laurent?" A mum asked me as she walked closer to me, her arms out wide as she expected me to hug her.

"Juliette Laurent?" Another parent asked, a whole bunch of men and women now surrounding Camila and I all wondering if I was really Juliette Laurent.

"Can I have a photo!"

"Oh my god! I'm going to cry it's Juliette Laurent!"

Camilas face stayed buried in my neck as if she wasn't nervous enough as it was all of these adults surrounding her wasn't going to help anything, people were shoving their phones at me for photos, pens were being thrown for autographs, "Um sorry everyone, I will do photos and stuff later, can I just take her to her class please?"

"Everyone leave Juliette alone." Halle told them as she neared me and Camila, her daughter Florence holding her hand as they got closer, "I mean it shoo." She told the other parents, who eventually listened to her threats.

I mumbled "Thank you, Halle," I smiled down at Florence "You look so cute flo, I love your hair did mummy do it for you?"

"Yeah!" She smiled at me, I put Camila down so that she could see Florence in the hopes that maybe then she would feel better about friends.

"Is someone a little nervous today? That's unlike her." Halle commented as she recognised how Camila was squeezing the life out of my hand.

"Come on Cams! I wanna show you your seat! I saved the one next to mine, hopefully miss let's us stay together." Florence smiled holding her hand out for Camila to take, Camila looked up at me nervously.

I nodded reassuring her, "I love you," I crouched down "You're going to have so much fun today, you're going to make so many new friends!"

She nodded still unsure but took the hand of her friend as they wandered into the classroom together, an abundance of other children awaiting them inside, "She really didn't want to come this morning, do you think I should have kept her in Italy?"

Halle shook her head, holding my arm "Don't second guess it all now, she will be fine today. I told Florence to keep an eye out for her, if she's anything like you she will have the best day."

I nodded, "I hope so." I never felt anxious about sending her to school in Italy, she's always been so confident but now I was worried, my little girl in school with absolute strangers? Terrifying.

She nodded, considering she was just my manager she also knew me so well on a personal level, she always knew exactly what to say "I know so, she'll be fine. She will come out of that building with the biggest smile on her face, I promise."

"I'll hold you to that."

"Mhm okay," she leaned to my ear "If I were you I'd get out of here though, the stampede of adults are coming back and they want autographs."

Charles ❤️
How was she? So sorry I couldn't be there this morning.

She was actually really worrying about it, and now she's making me worry.

Charles ❤️
Worrying is a waste of time, it doesn't change anything it just messes with your head, worrying will never change the outcome so there is no point in worrying - she will be okay.

You should be a motivational speaker

Charles ❤️


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