twenty seven

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19th March : Saudi Arabia


liked by 11,345,729 juliettelaurent: howdy saudi

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juliettelaurent: howdy saudi

username19: she looked so cute at qualifying

lilymhe: missed you 💘

user.name3: watching the race for her &
only her


Yeah, somehow he had actually managed to get me out of Monaco and straight to Saudi Arabia, the Jeddah circuit to be more precise, "Are you excited Camila?" I asked her as I put on her shoes, tying the laces for her as she wasn't able to herself.

"Yeah! Dads gonna win!" She squealed, her little hands going above her head to symbolise her cheering for him. Charles left the hotel room earlier on in the day for last minute strategist meetings.

Considering how new to all of this she was Camila did amazing at qualifying yesterday, I could only hope for another day like that, hence why Charles told us to stay in bed this morning so she could get extra rest.

I smiled at her, "I hope so." The hotel was the closest one to the track so it was roughly a two minute walk away however Charles still hired a valet to take us over, knowing how much Camila hated walking around if I wouldn't carry her.

One thing about Charles is that he's helped me majorly with my fear of being out of control in the car, he's always so careful when he drives me anywhere and so slow, and I know how hard it must be for a formula one driver to not exert speed at all but he never complains.




Walking down past all of the fans was the worst part, they all had been waiting outside the gate for ages, lining up and queuing for hours so any time someone who held some importance was allowed to walk past they all went crazy.

Shouting questions at you, begging for photos, autographs, shouting profanities, trying to give  gifts it was super hectic, "Camila do you want to wave?" I asked her and she wasn't reluctant to wave her little hands at the crowds of people, hearing the collective 'Awwws' back made me chuckle.

Thankfully due to the paddock passes we'd been given by Charles we were in the Ferrari paddock in no time, "So this is where we are going to watch the race from." I explained to Camila, she smiled as we looked at the tv screens that the mechanics were using to monitor the cars.

"Juliette!," Heidi beamed wandering closer "This must be princess Camila!" She smiled waving at Camila who was smiling back instantly.

I laughed watching them interact, Camila was wrapped around her little finger almost in seconds, "I didn't know you were coming today, is Danny here too?"

"Of course! We didn't manage to make it down here for quali but yeah we're ready for the race today, we'll be praying for a Charles win." She smiled, tickling Camila who was loving the attention.

I nodded, laughing also "Yeah you're not alone in that, never thought I'd say I was a Ferrari supporter but here we are."

"What's that now?" Charles suddenly asked, he'd heard what I said but he wanted me to repeat myself, he was now dressed in his racing suit, the Ferrari red suited him.

I shook my head, laughing "Oh nothing."

Heidi couldn't help herself, she wanted to ask questions and she wanted answers "So, I have to ask for the sanity of me and the millions of people wanting you two together, is it true?"

"Mummy and dad love eachother!" Camila squealed as she held Charles' leg, him giving her his cap in return, only it was far too big for her head.

Heidi pretended to gasp "No way!" She said to Camila as she knelt down to talk to her, Heidi and I had always been close as she was born in Monaco and we went to the same school growing up, except she was three years older than me.

Charles began to ramble straight away, "I made sure you both have seats to watch, you don't have to stand in the corner, Fred is more than happy to sit with you guys and we've got ear defenders for her-

He hadn't considered how much it took out of someone to travel with a young, curios child because it was a full time job, and now he was feeling the guilt of leaving me to watch her all the time without him.

"You don't have to do all of that, she was an angel for qualifying yesterday and she will be today, so stop stressing about us," I laughed at him, oh how the tables have turned "Now, go out there and win it."

"That's the spirit!" Fred Vasseur, principle of Scudderia Ferrari exclaimed as he entered the paddock, the race was starting in twenty minutes so engineers and mechanics were starting to flood the space in the garage.

"Fred this is Juliette Laurent, and her daughter Camila Gasly." Charles introduced, his hands on my waist and the young child on his leg clearly indicating to Fred that we were more than 'just friends'

Fred dismissed him instantly, waving his hand to signal him to the car "Oh I know that boy, now get in that car and win for them."

Charles nodded, pulling his helmet on "Better look after them Fred."

"Was that a threat?" Fred joked, Heidi laughed as she watched the scene unfold but quickly ran out of the paddock to find her boyfriend Daniel. "We'll see." Charles replied climbing in the car.

"Good luck Charles." I told him, watching as he got in, Carlos getting into the other car beside him with Isa speaking many words of encouragement, I wanted to say hi but I knew we would chat during the race, "Good luck dad." Camila told him, smiling as he drove away to the starting line up.

"Now you two come and sit here and tell me how you've made Charles smile coming into work in the mornings." Fred smiled, tapping the chair next to him that was empty as all the mechanics were stood ready to get into action.

We sat down and Camila was instantly looking for him again,  "Look Camila, that's his car."

"Sixteen." Fred affirmed.

"Dad is sixteen?" She asked Fred, who was wide eyed, clearly not expecting her to refer to his driver as her dad but still nonetheless he nodded as we watched the race unfold, Charles was starting from P3, Carlos starting P4.

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