thirty four

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"I'm not sure I really understand," I shook my head, not really sure what I believe "Anyway- I have to thank parents for coming-

"Juliette we've wanted to talk to you about this for ages- just please five minutes." Arthur begged, he wasn't subtle either as he held his hands together as if about to prayer.

"I've listened to you, I've given you my time I understand that Pascale doesn't want him with me because of the championship and whatever, just not something I wanted to be told today." I told them, looking at my daughter who was currently playing musical chairs with the other kids.

Lorenzo nodded understandably,"We've told her that he'd been racing the best he ever had when he was with you, she just won't listen."

"I don't think that she thinks he's ready to be a dad honestly," Arthur sighed, "I have to disagree with that one as well."

I tried to push this conversation out of my mind anyway, Pascale can think whatever she wants, she's entitled to her own opinion, "Anyway, thanks for coming today but I need to go- people are leaving and I need to say my goodbyes."

Lorenzo raised a brow, "Oh- yeah no of course, we'll see you soon?" He asked, the tone of his voice not indicating whether it was a statement or a question.

Within moments I was saying goodbye to each of the children, giving away the party bags and thanking the parents for coming along "Nathan, thanks for coming today."

He smiled, his hand on Callum's shoulder, "Of course," he lowered his voice "couldn't let you deal with the psychos alone."

"God forbid." I chuckled, Callum wandering off the garden and into the house, this was the first time that many of the kids or the parents had been to my house and I was quite apprehensive that such a large amount of people would know where I lived. But I'd do it for Camila.

We continued to chat for a little until Callum shouted, "Dad have you asked?" I raised my brows confused, looking back to Nathan.

"Oh uh- would you ever want to maybe hang out?" He asked, awkwardness coming over him for the first time that we'd ever spoken, his cheeks were red, "Hang out?" I asked him, laughing a little.

He shrugged, "You know, like a date."

I don't really know my relationship status considering he actually turned up to the Damn party.

"I would love to, text me okay?" I smiled at him, who simply smiled back as he followed behind Callum to their car so they could leave.

Essentially everyone had left, Halle included, leaving me with Charles and Camila only who were sat chatting in the bouncy castle, catching up on all that he had missed "Mummy! Dad won in Canada! He won!" She beamed as I walked over.

I nodded trying to hide the fact I was annoyed at him, "Fun."

"Hey Camila why don't you go and play with your toys and let me talk to mummy alright?" He said to her, my anger rising as he still held on to the position of her dad. She ran off immediately.

"I talked to the boys." I told him, finally I'd done what he asked and it still doesn't justify anything, "It hasn't really changed how I feel."


I shook my head, interrupting "No, please let me talk. I'm not mad at you, not really. I understand you want to focus on the championship or that your mum does, but you could've just said that, you could've told me what you wanted, that we were moving too fast, you weren't ready to move in. I wouldn't have minded."

"It's my mum," he sighed "I told her we'd broken up months ago and she had to believe it. I've been staying away because that's what she wants, it's not that I don't love you."

I double checked, "So it's all her?"

"Yeah." He nodded, but I wasn't so sure, his brothers hadn't mentioned the fact he was seemingly back together with Charlotte and I can't imagine Pascale set that up.

"So tell me, what do you want?," I asked "Me or the championship."

"You can't ask me that Juliette."

I let out a breathe, laughing sadly to myself confirming my fear,"Yeah that's answer enough for me, don't worry." My eyes screwed shut, as he got closer to me.

"Look at me," he tilted my face to his "Juliette Laurent open your eyes and look at me."

With a great deal of effort I did, he waited several moments until I was focused on him completely, he began  "You are worth so much more than formula one, If I never drove a car again for the rest of my life it wouldn't matter to me. Not if I have you."

"So why did you hesitate?" I asked him pulling my face away from his and removing his hands from my face.

"She said I had to end it or she'd be a witness to Paul." He lowered his voice towards the end as if he was talking about something important.

"A witness to what?"

He sighed, "He's planning to go to court, or he was planning to and tell the judge that he had seen you hit Camila at a family event," he continued "he agreed to testify if I didn't leave you so that Paul would get custody."

Pascale seemed so sweet.

She literally saw Paul destroy my home, she saw him assault me, she saw him verbally attack me and yet she would go against me for her son.


He shook his head, "I don't want to leave you Juliette, I don't believe her anymore. She wouldn't do it."

My mind was at war with itself "I'm not sure that's something I want to risk Charles, I'm not risking my daughter?"

"So, what do you want from me? Juliette he can't get her from you, he just can't. They could take you to court but they'd lose-

I stood up, walking into the house "No Charles, I'm not risking it."

"So this is it?" He asked "After everything you want to leave me?"

"I would do anything to protect my daughter." Even if it means losing you.

He nodded, my eyes watering and his staring into mine,"Well don't hate me for trying to do the same." We both understood it, then in that moment, that this was the end, the end of us.


That was the last time I ever spoke to Charles Leclerc, my second love.

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