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January 5th

He rolled over in bed, eyes fluttering open as the sunlight beamed through the open curtains. As he let them adjust he felt her move next to him, pressing her back against his chest and he couldn't help but smile, arm hooking around her waist.

Juliette always looked so perfect in the morning, well in general - but waking up next to her, being the first thing he saw in the morning, he never wanted anything else.

Brushing my hair back off my shoulder, he pressed a soft kiss there, lips lingering for a few seconds. The last thing Charles wanted to do was wake me, but he knew Camila would be up soon and he had a special date planned.

"Juliette.." he said it so quietly, leaving another kiss on my cheek before I finally started to stir.


"Hey beautiful, we should probably get up," he whispered, pressing his lips to my forehead as I stubbornly shook my head. But I didn't hesitate to roll over, snuggling closer into his chest, prompting his arms to wrap tighter around me.

Charles laughed quietly as he rested his chin on my head, my warm body cuddled up against his almost convinced him to stay in bed with me all day, and if we didn't have plans and a little girl to watch he probably would've.

The sound of little feet hitting the hard wood flooring echoed down the hallway, and the door to the bedroom creaked open. Through the small crack in the doorway, Camila's head popped in, her eyes wide as she looked to the bed "Mummy?"

I rolled over so that I could face my little girl, a smile on my face, "Good morning Mon amour. Gonna cuddle with us for a bit?" Camila nodded immediately, running across the room and reaching up for Charles who quickly helped her up into bed.

Camila immediately wiggled in between the two of us, finding her way under the covers. I scooted over slightly and then pressed a kiss to her head "How'd you sleep?"

"Good," she nodded, rubbing her small fist over her eyes as she yawned. Per usual, her stuffed bunny was clutched to her chest as she moved in closer to my side. Once she was settled and comfortable, she looked up at Charles and I, "Can we go to the park today?"

"We could go to the park before granny and grandad come over, okay?"

Nodding, Camila replied quickly "Okay Mummy!" She snuggled into my side once more as I put on a film for her before we went down to breakfast. It was something we often did on weekend mornings, and I was just happy that she was so willing to allow Charles in on our morning rituals.

It wasn't long until Camila got bored with the show and was hungry, pulling both Charles and I out of bed so we could all eat together. I made her a bowl of her favourite cereal and pushed her chair into the table, getting a brush to do her hair. I usually always tried to do her hair during breakfast because it was more or less the only time in the mornings where she remained somewhat still.

This time though, Camila was immediately huffing, trying to swat my hands away, "Mummy no!"

"I have to do your hair Cami."

"No I don't want you to do it, I want dad to try and do it."

I froze, brush still in hair as it went silent, Charles was frozen in place also his spoon hitting the side of his mug as he dropped it into his coffee in surprise, I couldn't see his face. I had no idea if I'd heard her right, or what his reaction was.

"Please?" She huffed, getting frustrated as no one replied.

Turning around slowly, Charles' eyes met mine for a second, he'd barely moved a muscle before looking down at her, "You want me to try and do it?"

Camila nodded quickly, "Mhm like you did last morning." He'd done her hair in a ponytail the previous morning, allowing me to lie in on my birthday and she had been obsessed with it.

"Sure." He replied quickly, carefully taking the brush from my hands. He didn't seem mad- just surprised like me as I handed him the brush and then went to finish making the coffees he'd started.

The rest of the day went by smoothly as we brought her to the park before Pierre's parents came over to watch her. Though calling Charles her dad had come out of nowhere, she kept it up for the rest of the day, calling him that whenever she wanted his attention.

Pierre's parents arrived shortly after we arrived home from our day out, ready to watch her so Charles and I could officially go on our first date. It'd been a few weeks since everything had happened and we'd confessed our feelings to each other but we had yet to go on a date.

It didn't bother me because it was hectic trying to figure everything out, but I was excited to finally spend time together that was truly just the two of us. I wouldn't have to worry about Camila  running into the room to find the two of us kissing. I wouldn't have to keep to the subtle glances and quick hugs in passing moments. And, truly, it wasn't that I minded, because she always came first, but I was ready to be with him and only him.

Plans for the night were made entirely by Charles, who refused to tell me what we were going to do on your date. I really hoped that he wasn't going to go over the top with something fancy because all I wanted was to spend time with him. Not really managing to get anything out of him, I dressed nicely and just hoped for the best.

As I got ready, Charles pulled Jean and Pascale into the kitchen after putting tangled on for Camila to get her distracted. Fiddling nervously with his fingers, his eyes flickered from his hands up to Pierre's parents faces "I just uh.. wanted to let you know so you're not surprised..." he trailed off, nervous about how they were going to react to what he had to tell them.

They waited for him to continue eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Camila has been calling me Dad all day, it came out of nowhere. I'm fine with it- it makes me happy actually - but Juliette and I haven't had a chance to discuss it yet. So I just.. wanted to let you know, I know Pierre is her dad and she's sure of that too. I just- I don't know."

Jean and Pascale both just smiled at him, happy for Charles as he was seen as basically their son, Jean smiled and patted his arm "I wouldn't want my granddaughter to call anyone but you or Pierre her dad honestly. I'm glad you have Juliette, you don't know it yet but she's the one."

"You aren't mad?"

Pascale chuckled, "No because we know you and we know Juliette, if we could pick from everyone on earth who we wanted to parent our granddaughter it would be you two. Camilas young and she's picked up a habit, it's all okay."

Just then, I entered the kitchen, "Oh wow.. you look gorgeous, Juliette." Pascale commented, causing me to smile at her, "Thank you."

Charles wanted his mother to come up and watch Camila instead, but since I had only really spoken to her through FaceTime I felt bad to chuck in her in the deep end with my daughter.

Charles added "You really do, I don't even have the words you look beautiful."

It was now my turn to blush, looking at Charles with a shy smile "Thank you, Charles." I couldn't lie, I loved the butterflies in my stomach  as he complimented me, I just wasn't used to having other people around when he did it.

He reached his hand out towards me and I took it without a second thought, letting him pull me in closer and peck my lips gently.

His free hand lifted, brushing a strand of my hair out of my face as he gave me a soft smile, "Should we get going?"

"Mhm," I breathed out, returning a soft kiss to his lips, "let's go."

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