polaroids, pretzels, puzzles

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elena had always been quiet. whether it had been at barcelona, or even here at arsenal, her shyness would likely never change. her quietness had always been an advantage in her eyes.

for example, she learns things about her new teammates much quicker. off the pitch, they were loud, boisterous, and impossibly close.

emphasis on close.

early september 2022
her first night staying at lia wälti's home, she had been unable to sleep. she should have called jana, to tell her about her day, but she didn't want to be a bother.

the kitchen was tidy, in fact, the entire house was tidy. at 2 in the morning, elena found herself staring at a refrigerator in a dimly lit kitchen.

the first thing she learns about lia wälti: she takes a lot of pictures.

the refrigerator is loaded with polaroids, all with different dates and people. she notices a recurring theme in all of them, they're of lia's loved ones. elena has to squint her eyes to see, but she sees one dated almost 2 years ago.

she recognizes leah williamson, her hand wrapped around jordan nobbs. interesting, but maybe elena did hear a word or two about those two being an item. elena also noticed that leah was quite distant with jordan during the brief moment she had been on the training grounds.

beth's got her arm wrapped around someone elena doesn't recognize. her girlfriend perhaps.

and the weirdest realization. caitlin foord's arm wrapped around lia. elena had met the aussie briefly, her nasally sounding accent had elena barely making out her name.

elena now notices the abundance of the australian all over the refrigerator. she sees one dated 11/11/2020, with the two of them sitting a couch she sat on hours ago. there are balloons, the number 26 hanging above the couple. right? that would explain why there are so many pictures hanging on lia's refrigerator. they must be a couple.

that's the second thing she learns. although not confirmed just yet, lia wälti is dating caitlin foord. moving on from the kitchen, she moves to the living room. she pulls on the string of the lamp, the orange glow lighting up the homey room.

elena notices plants in green pots, all of different variety. candles littered across every surface, although not lit. next to the television, a picture framed in a black border. not hanging on the wall, but just leaned against it.

taken in a snowy location, caitlin kisses lia's cheek as lia smiles happily for the photo. it's cute, elena thinks.

"i remember that one being taken," caitlin foord speaks, leaning against the door frame. elena jumps, although it's just for show. she had heard the pattering of footsteps up the hallway moments ago.

"hola, caitlin." elena turns. her eyes snap to the shorts caitlin is currently wearing, the number 13 embroidered on.

the australian offers half of a wave as greeting. elena had noticed someone else in the house when she had arrived. she presumed that it was one of lia's friends here in england, perhaps even a teammate. she did not calculate that lia lived with caitlin foord. caitlin strolls towards the kitchen, and for some reason elena follows.

"you should be in bed elena." caitlin says in a somewhat older sister like tone. it reminded elena of jana. as the aussie turns around to weigh the reaction of the young spaniard, elena shrugs.

"lo siento, for waking you, i could not sleep." the girl murmurs.

"it's okay, i would be surprised if you were asleep." elena watches as caitlin pours out a bowl of pretzels and follows as she walks back into the living room. elena follows again, and caitlin motions for her to sit on the couch, filled with blankets and pillows. caitlin pulls out a puzzle box from under the television, setting it onto the table, she snatches a pretzel from the bowl.

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