the alphabet

965 81 4

late april 2023
elena fernandez hated mornings, she was a morning person though. maybe she just hated waking up on this particular morning. she felt like shit. a couple of the girls were called in early to do some media for their home game against wolfsburg at the emirates and of course she was one of those people.

the media team was really pushing their limits on what they could do to promote a sell out, last elena heard, they were a couple thousand away.

when she told the media team that she could help film some promotional videos weeks ago, she hadn't anticipated the recent changes to her life.

"you know, you could just call it off. i'm sure they have somebody else to fill in your place if they need." victoria said as they stepped into the cafeteria.

elena hadn't replied. they got their breakfast and sat down at a table together. elena surveyed the room, it was mostly empty, although teyah and some of the academy girls could be seen talking a few tables away.

"i'll be fine, it's only one video i heard," she shrugged.

victoria stared at her long and hard, before slightly nodding. "if you say so."

the spaniard felt bad, vic was only trying to help, but she wasn't really in the mood to interact with anyone. still, her company was much appreciated; she was only one of two people who knew about her breakup with leah and had been completely understanding of why she was in such a low mood.

"hey look, i got some tickets to the barca chelsea game, i was supposed to go with wally and leah, but lia's got plans, and well you know about williamson. want to come with instead?"

the dutch's face lit up, "oh can i invite fleur as well? she'll love to watch barcelona in person. it's been so long since she's watched spanish football that wasn't on tv."

elena nodded, "of course, the more the merrier."

the rest of their conversation flowed easily, as it always did. vic did much more of the talking this time around, muttering on about how she needed to see a trainer for her quads and how excited she was for the emirates.

the one bit of media they had to do was an alphabet challenge, pertaining to their game next week.

as they were being set up with mics, elena talked to one of the people behind the camera.

"don't you think it's a little bit cruel that you're making 4 non-native speakers do a challenge in english?" she asked. the crew behind the camera and the girls next to her laughed.

she would be filming with vic, ke, and laura.

"alright elena, since you're the best english speaker here, we'll have you do the intro." one of the producers said with a wide smile.

elena deadpanned to the camera. she heard the blonde girl beside her giggle, and she sighed, nodding towards the crew.

it took them a couple of takes to finally get the intro going because of all the laughing that was on set, but once they got started, elena found it hard to stop laughing as well.

"we're going to do the alphabet challenge today." elena smiled as she looked over to vic, who would start with the letter A.

"Amazing ticket sales." victoria had said in a a monotone voice.

"really!? that's all you're saying?" elena asked. the camera crew gave her a pointed look.

"right, sorry. uhh, Better be there or else you'll miss out!"

"Champions League nights are the best," ke had said quickly. she must've had it prepared knowing she was going third, elena let out an airy laugh as laura continued with the alphabet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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