apologies and understandings

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april 16, 2023
"oh my god, lena you're freezing!"

elena felt a warm hand on her upper arm, rubbing up and down, she felt the warmth spread to her left arm.

she didn't even have to look up know who spoke to her, only one person referred to her as 'lena' and the accent was also pretty tellling.

when elena didn't reply, the girl mumbled in danish, and the next thing she heard was a door being opened.

the white takeout bag was set down next to the spaniard, who still, in exhaustion, had her eyes closed. the teenager was also fairly sure that her cheeks were still stained with tears.

a gentle hand was pressed to her forehead, "lena? are you awake?"

as soon as elena's eyes opened, kind eyes met tear-rimmed ones.

"what are you doing here?" elena manages to croak out, her voice was beyond gone.

truly, she didn't understand why the dane was here, at her apartment, so late at night.

"let's get you inside, then we can talk if you want to, is that okay?" she asked, offering her hands. elena nodded, she just wanted to sleep.

she wanted it all to go away.

she pulled her up, and helped her onto the couch. before elena closed her eyes again, she watched as the blonde haired girl sped through her apartment. she closed the door, placed that white bag onto the dining table, and turned the thermostat up.

the blonde clicked her tongue, "you must be tired," she gently tapped elena's shoulder. "lean up a little bit, i have a pillow for you," she whispered.

she felt tears rising and threatening to spill out again, she thought she had exhausted herself already, but clearly there was more left in her. she didn't open her eyes though, sitting barely up and lying back down as she felt the soft pillow hit the back of her head. soon enough, a duvet was placed over her and that's all the spaniard needed.

she drifted off to sleep, hopeful that the terrible day she had was behind her.

"pleaseeee santi! we never go to your house!" paula begged the shorter boy. elena grinned as she juggled the football with her feet.

"i don't really think that's a good idea," the boy shyly whispered, pulling down his sleeves.

"aw, but she's right! we always sleepover at my house, why can't we go to your house? if i tell your dad that my dad will pick us up in the morning, it'll be fine, right?" elena asked her best friend.

the nine year old girls gave the best puppy dog eyes they could to the ten year old boy.

"maybe next time, okay?" the question was truly a formality, his tone left the little girls frowning, but they didn't pester him more about it.

years later, elena gets a phone call in the middle of the night.

"i'll wait here, okay hermana?" jana called to elena as she nodded, closing the passenger side door.

the brunette knocked on the door of santi's house hesitantly, but as soon as she hits the door, it creaks open.

against her better judgement, elena stepped inside.

"santi!? my sister's outside waiting for us!" the smell of alcohol was overwhelmingly strong.

"elena, get out of here now! let's go!" santi called from the stairs, he was tugging down his luggage, but it was too late.

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