date night

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"hey superstar, let me get that for you."

leah takes elena's bag, placing it into the backseat, before handing elena the bouquet of roses.

the car ride is filled with comfortable silence. leah hums along to a tune of her own, tapping on the steering wheel. it's a song elena doesn't recognize, but the spaniard doesn't mind.

elena looks outside the window as london doesn't necessarily fly by. there was a reason it was one of the most busy cities in the world. she watched as busses went and go, passengers, getting on and off, pedestrians and lovers walked along the sidewalks, hand in hand. she watched as dozens emerged from the metro entrances; everybody had places to be.

eventually, they arrive to their destination, at first glance, it seems to be a really tall building. leah rolls down her window, talking to the valet briefly before rushing over to the passenger side. she opens the door for elena, helping her out of the car.

she made it seem easy.

she greeted the lady at the entrance with a smile as she intertwined her hand with elena's.

the blonde haired girl kissed the back of elena's hand, "don't be nervous, just relax," she said as the elevator brought them up several floors. elena only smiles in return, this time a genuine one.

"hi, reservation for two?" leah asked as she approached the lady at the counter.

the younger woman looked up in surprise, immediately recognizing who leah was. then she turned to elena, and then to their hands.

her face shifted just barely, but elena noticed it. elena thought maybe she saw a bit of shock. she obviously knew who leah was, but elena? she looked at her as if she was lucky to even be on a date with leah williamson of all people.

when she doesn't respond back immediately, leah impatiently presses on. "it should be under williamson," she said with a tight-lipped smile.

"yes right! this way miss williamson," she almost leaps off her seat. she rushes ahead of the two to lead them to their seats. leah turns to elena with an amused, light-hearted grin. elena smiles, softly giggling.

a waiter is waiting at their table, the young man begins to pull out elena's seat but leah abruptly cuts him off.

"i think we'll be alright for the moment, thank you," leah smiles as she pulls out the chair for elena. the waiter nods, scurrying off to another table. elena murmurs a soft thank you as she glances outside the window.

leah had reserved them seats overlooking london; they had a direct view of big ben.

"not too bad, eh?" leah said looking down at the menu. elena peers around the restaurant. it was in fact, very full and very busy.

she could only imagine how many other pairs were in the room on a first date like leah and herself. they were all caught up in their little conversations, not paying attention to anything else but the person in front of them.

"how did you get this reservation?" elena looked past the glass once more. it was clearly the best seat in the house.

leah only shrugged in response, before realizing that it wasn't a good enough answer for the spaniard.

"well, i told them that i had this really important date for this pretty girl that i wanted to make a good impression on. after all, i did rip her shirt the second time we ever talked, and that didn't seem good for our relationship," leah grinned as she set down her menu.

"you flatter me, but i refuse to believe a high end restaurant would have this reservation open on a saturday night," elena responded with a soft smile.

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