liverpool (a)

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late october 2022
the jet lag was catching up to elena. traveling one day, training the next, then playing a game the day after that? it wasn't sustainable at all.

elena gets caught sleeping through the preview of liverpool. she hadn't slept in her own bed in 5 days; they had been moving from hotel to hotel.

viv is the one who wakes her up and tells her to go back to her room. at that point elena is too tired to complain, she awkwardly gets up from her seat and leaves the conference room.

in what's supposed to be a short, one hour nap, she sleeps for 4 hours, waking up just in time for dinner. most of the girls would be going out to a bar in liverpool, but elena declined the option.

she didn't drink, and never planned to drink ever.

"you're sure you don't want to come along?" lia asks the tired girl.

elena shakes her head. "i'm good, i have to rewatch the liverpool film anyways. you guys have fun."

elena finds her way back to the conference room, where she runs into patrick exiting said room.

"oh hey elena, you feeling better?"

"yeah i just needed a bit of rest. i was wondering if i could watch the film now?"

patrick nods, leaving the room to elena.

elena's been in there for about 30 minutes, but only about 10 minutes through the film. she stops and takes notes every time a player has the ball, recognizing their movements.

it almost becomes predictable. twenty minutes into the film, and 45 minutes in the room later, elena can realize she knows what every defender will do with the ball depending on the state of the game.

an hour in, there's a knock on the door.

"come in," elena says pausing the film. to her surprise, leah walks in holding a takeout bag.

placing it on the chair next to elena, leah starts pulling out the boxes, revealing them to be sushi.

"i thought you went out with everyone else," elena smiles as she takes the chopsticks leah offers her.

the defender shakes her head, "rafa and i had to do some rehab."

elena opens the box of food with a delightful smile, it had smelled amazing.

"speaking of you two, when do you think you will be back?"

leah shrugs, "probably another few weeks, we wouldn't want to rush back would we? besides we've got plenty of defenders with you now eh?" she laughs, punching elena lightly on the shoulder.

elena chuckles softly, "i don't know if left back really is for me."

"sure it is! i mean you played amazing against lyon, who's to say you can't replicate your performance against other teams?"

"saying me playing left back is good is like you playing defensive midfield good," elena lets out a boisterous laugh. although leah could be a decent six, she was nowhere near the level of lia.

"okay, low blow! i'll take that as a compliment though," leah says stuffing a roll into her mouth.

they spend the next hour or so just eating and talking with one another.

"so, this wasn't our dinner slash date was it?" leah asks as elena closes her takeout box.

"did you want it to be?" elena responds innocently.

"yes, but i also wanted to take you out on a proper date?"

elena sighs dramatically, "williamson, you've really got to just ask me and get over with it! stop dancing around!"

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