the calm

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elena loved traveling, it was one of the things that captivated her most about being a footballer.

however, she's very glad to be sleeping in her bedroom in england while victoria is cooking dinner for the pair.

twelve hours had to be a recent record, elena can't recall sleeping this much since her pre-teen years. elena had flown in pretty late, getting a taxi at the airport was a nightmare, and the ride back to saint albans was even worse.

unfortunately leah couldn't pick her up, something about a magazine cover shoot or something like that. the details aren't exactly the first thing that comes up in elena's mind.

if she's being honest with herself, she can't find herself to care much at all.

"come on elena, you've been asleep for the entire dayyyy!" victoria whines through the door. "you promised you would watch the notebook with me!"

"i was half asleep making that promise!" elena groaned, turning her head away from the door.

"fine, then we're going to eat dinner without you and then we're watching the movie without you too!" victoria exclaimed. she intended to make elena feel left out, hopeful that the spaniard would trudge out of her slumber, but it did the opposite.

elena hummed, content with that situation and going back to sleep.

when she wakes up about two hours later, she walks outside to see more than just victoria on their living room sofa.

"hey lena," kathrine turned to greet the spaniard, who rubbed her eyes and smiled good naturedly. she looks over at victoria who is entirely engrossed at the film in front of her.

"didn't know you'd be here," elena mumbled as she watched the movie, unable to understand the english words through the accents.

the dane girl blushed, "yeah, i thought vic told you. there are some leftovers in the fridge you can reheat."

a few minutes later, elena is sat across from the pair watching the ending of the movie. her food is scarfed down in a matter of minutes and she listens to victoria make comments about the movie.

vic's phone rings loudly and she groans.

"ugh, i can't believe she's calling at this time!" she exclaimed tiredly. "ruining the best part of the movie," she grumbled.

she walked back to her room and elena swore she heard her yell her sisters name angrily.

the blonde and the brunette watch as the dutch midfielder stalks back to her room, and the blonde speaks up first.

"want to take her spot? the view is better," ke asks happily.

elena nods, taking the spot next to the dane and they watch the final minutes of the film together. even thought the spaniard has only been watching for about fifteen minutes, she still manages to cry at the end of the movie.

by then, victoria still hasn't come out from her call and they both decide to just choose another movie to watch. halfway through 10 things i hate about you, elena falls asleep.


when vic finds elena half asleep on ke's shoulder 30 minutes later , the dane about two seconds away from also dozing off, she doesn't disturb the pair. she simply takes a photo, turns off the television, and lets the pair peacefully sleep.

their first game back from the break is an FA cup game against chelsea.

ironically, they would also be playing in the league cup final against chelsea within the next week.

elena doesn't get any minutes against chelsea, with jonas stating that he wanted to play more "bench" players during this game to see how chelsea would line up and what their tactics would be.

when the final whistle blows, the score is 2-0 in favor of chelsea and it leaves a sour taste in much of the arsenal players mouths.

but jonas had insisted that they would win a trophy next week, all they had to do was sacrifice this one.

elena thought it was a weird mindset, but as long as they'd win, she wouldn't question it too much.

but if they lost?

elena would be pissed.

luckily, elena didn't know what was to come yet.


the calm before the storm. this past month has just been a whirlwind of things going on, sorry i haven't updated. hopefully i'll be starting them back up again. this one's really short but i hope you liked it! next chapter will be the conti cup final!!!

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