a happy day

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april 15, 2023
elena wakes up with a kiss to the forehead, immediately smiling as the blonde-haired girl pushed some flyaways out of her face.

"good morning superstar," she whispered in elena's ear.

the spaniard pulled her down, leah tumbling into the bed next to her.

"i thought i was gonna meet you after breakfast," elena giggled.

"thought i'd surprise you, can't wait to spend the day with my favorite girl," leah kissed her cheek, then her neck softly, then finally her lips.

"what time is it?" elena yawns, the last of her tiredness escaping with it. she reaches for her phone but leah swats her hand away.

"eleven," she chuckles softly.

elena had overslept, and badly.

"what!?" a horrified look passes on her face.

"don't worry love, we don't have anywhere to be so soon," leah brushes the hair out of elena's face, then kissing her forehead.

when they finally head out to the living room, victoria is already dressed, on her phone and sipping her coffee.

"look who's finally awake," victoria smirks.

elena rolls her eyes as leah kisses her hand. "how long have you been waiting for me?"

"not too long, i got here an hour ago. i was thinking we should go out for breakfast and coffee?"

"god, you must be starving, that sounds great." elena taps victoria on the head, "i'll go get changed and then we can go."

they go to a small cafe just on the edge of the main street where all the shops are in saint albans, it was a saturday so there was a little more foot traffic than there usually was on weekdays.

they're having a late breakfast, so most of the rush from earlier in the morning has passed as they find a booth in the back.

the breakfast goes by pretty quickly, they eat in relative silence because they both are in fact starving. leah tells elena what they're going to do today, and elena doesn't have any objections. she's just glad she gets to spend time with leah more than anything.

"i was thinking we head back to my place for lunch with my friends from milton keynes?" elena nods as leah smiles, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

a little girl comes up to their table, her grandma in tow.

"oh my gosh! you're leah williamson aren't you. look gran gran! it's leah williamson!" she jumps in front of their table excitedly as leah grins at her.

elena watches their interaction in adoration, leah takes a photo with the girl and sends her on her way. the older woman apologizes profusely for interrupting their date, and thanks leah for her time.

elena blushes when she says it's a date, not because it wasn't, but because it's probably the first time someone has actually recognized the two of them, out together in one place. to be fair, they were acting pretty much like a couple, being blatantly obvious, but elena thought they were pretty discreet. turns out they weren't.

elena looks at her phone, seeing the calendar notification and instantly her stomach tightens uncomfortably.

it was the five year anniversary of a date she wanted to forget, but her friend had made sure she put it in her calendar four years ago to make sure she didn't forget them.

"don't forget about us, and remember, it's a happy day, not a sad one."

she called them on the first anniversary, but it was too hard talking to them without bringing up bad memories. she never had the heart to remove the date.

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