building friendships

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mid september 2022
after saying goodbye to both lia and caitlin, elena started her walk towards leah williamson's home.

technically, leah hadn't invited her, but caitlin insisted that it was a team event and elena had to come. elena had debated on whether or not to stop by the local store to bring something so she wouldn't show up empty handed.

she decides to call jana; hopefully her sister wouldn't be too mad at her for taking this long to call.

"hello? jana?" elena asks hesitantly into the phone.

"it's really great that you've remembered me elena, i've been waiting for days for you to call!" jana almost screams through the phone.

"i've texted you! remember, i took a photo of the airport in london." elena laughs at her sister's protective tone.

"a picture is all i get to know my little sister landed safely? nothing else? el, how is it really in england?" jana sees through elena's fake laugh. elena sighs dramatically, taking a seat on a bench.

"i miss you, i miss the girls. the girls here are nice..." elena gets brought back to leah's demeanor earlier today. perhaps she shouldn't have riled up the english defender. "they're not like you guys though."

"oh elena, are you sure you're okay? i can always make time to fly out to spend some time with you." jana offers. elena wants to accept her offer so badly. she wants some semblance of familiarity, anything to remind her of her true home.

"it's okay jana, there's no need. i'm actually on my way to spend some time with everyone. leah's hosting a team dinner." she doesn't want to burden her sister, knowing that jana is close to being back from her acl tear. traveling would only make her recovery take longer.

"leah? as in leah williamson?" elena nods, before realizing her sister can't see her.

"yeah, i just don't know if i should bring something or not, caitlin didn't really tell me much." elena sighs. "she didn't really invite me either, but it's a team event so i should at least show up right?" elena asks and she thinks she hears a laugh on the other side of the phone.

"i don't know el, i've never met leah williamson of all people. maybe you should bring a bottle or something." jana sounds kind of in awe. elena doesn't know how to feel about it.

"a bottle of what?" elena asks confused.

"you're so oblivious el! a bottle of wine obviously, like red or white. i'm sure you could pick it up at a local store."

"i don't drink jana, i've never even bought liquor before." elena rolls her eyes.

"i know you don't el, but just bring it as a gift for williamson. it'd be rude to show up empty handed." jana had said like it was the easiest thing in the world.

elena took jana along on the journey of her buying a single bottle of wine. her hands wobbled as she brought it up to the counter and jana laughed at how nervous elena sounded talking to the cashier.

"can i have your id please ma'am?" the cashier asked the short girl. elena was confused, she didn't understand what the cashier was saying.

"jana, what is he saying?" elena whispered into the phone.

jana laughed, she could imagine what her sister looked like right now, nervous as hell, and probably a bit too young to be buying alcohol.

"he doesn't think you're old enough to be buying alcohol, give him your id." jana giggled.

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