chapter one

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"I GOT A GIRL'S NUMBER FOR YOU!" Tina bursts into the record shop, waving a napkin in her hand.

"What? Why did you get someone's number for me?" Magnolia asked, turning to her friend and momentarily forgetting about restocking the section she was working on.

"So, at the hotel where Chloé's staying, these three girls checked into their room. I recognized them because they're playing an acoustic set here tomorrow. I told one of the girls about you, and she gave me her number to give to you! Her name is Julien, and she's exactly your type!" She waved the note in her friend's face.

Magnolia took the napkin from Tina and exclaimed, "You got me a famous woman's number? What were you thinking?" She rolled her eyes before putting the napkin in the pocket of her baggy jeans and returning to stocking up the records.

Tina replied, "It's been a year and six months since Brady and since sobriety. You deserve some loving!" She jumped onto the counter, where people usually place their items when they're ready to check out.

"I don't want 'some loving,' you imbecile. I'm just starting to get-" Magnolia stopped mid-sentence as she grabbed a copy of Boygenius' self-titled EP and pointed to the girl in the middle. "Holy shit, is this who you're talking about?"

"Yup, that's Julien! By the look on your face, you like what you see, huh? I did good, didn't I?" Tina patted herself on the back before crossing her arms.

Magnolia shook her head and said, "You got lucky this time. Their set is at 11:30, so you better be here. Bring Chloé too, she can help me manage you. Oh! Also, Josiah will be here. He's in town, so we have to deal with my brother as well."

The younger girl placed the rest of the records into the slots and made her way behind the counter, where she would start the process of closing down the shop. As she worked, she couldn't help but think about the girl whose number Tina had given her. She wondered what Julien was like in person and if she would actually be interested in going out with her. Magnolia had been single for a while now, and she was still hesitant to put herself out there again.

Tina noticed the look on her friend's face and asked, "What's on your mind, Maggie?"

Magnolia replied, "I'm just thinking about Julien. Do you really think she would be interested in me?"

Tina grinned and said, "Of course, she would! You're amazing, Magnolia. Anyone would be lucky to go out with you."

Magnolia smiled back at Tina, feeling grateful for her friend's support. She knew that Tina always had her back, no matter what. As they finished closing up the shop, Magnolia couldn't help but feel excited about the possibility of seeing Julien tomorrow. She just hoped that everything would go smoothly and that she wouldn't make a fool of herself.

As the two walked into their apartment, Magnolia asked, "When are you moving out again?"

Tina replied, "Whenever Clo and I find a place. Quit your whining! I know you love me!" She greeted Midnight, her black cat, and petted him before heading towards her bedroom.

As she closed the door behind her, she turned around and said, "I'm going to sleep. I'm serious, babe, text Julien."

Magnolia rolled her eyes before making her way to the living room. She sat down on the couch and pulled out her phone, wondering if she should text Julien or not. She finally decided to take Tina's advice and sent her a message.

After typing the number from the napkin, she sent a text that read out: "Hello, my name's Magnolia! My friend, Tina got your number earlier, I hope you don't mind."

As she hit send, her nerves spiked. What if Julien didn't want to go out with her? What if she thought she was weird or something? Magnolia tried to push those thoughts out of her head and focused on watching whatever crime documentary was currently on TV instead.

A few minutes later, her phone buzzed. Magnolia's heart skipped a beat as she saw that it was a message from Julien, it said: "Hey! I'm glad you texted! I don't mind at all, Tina talked you up very nicely. She told me you work at the record shop my band and I are playing at tomorrow, right?"

Oh boy, Magnolia was in for it now.

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