Beans greeted the group at the door, her tail wagging fast. Everyone could tell that she was excited to have her owner and her friends back home.Julien's couch was crowded with the six friends and the dog, there was still a layer of tension that hung over the group due to what happened at the mall.
Neither Julien nor Maggie knew what to say to each other, they knew it had to be addressed but how? It's not something to take lightly and they were eventually going to have to talk about it.
"Can I talk to you, in my room?" Julien asked her girlfriend, trying not to bring too much attention to them.
"Sure," the two got up from the couch and made their way into Julien's bedroom. Maggie sat on the bed, while Julien closed the door before sitting next to her.
"I'm sorry that happened," Magnolia broke the silence, her arms hugged around her middle as she sat there in shame.
"Maggie, you don't have to apologize, none of that was your fault," Julien laid her head down on Maggie's shoulder. "I'm just glad you got out of that relationship."
"Tina and Chloé made me, I would probably still be with him if they didn't force me to break up with him. I was young and didn't understand why being with him was wrong," Maggie confessed, taking deep breaths so her breathing didn't get out of control.
"All you can do is grow from your experiences, I promise you that I'll never lay a hand on you like that."
"I know, since we've met you've shown me the utmost amount of respect you could possibly give someone. Julien, you are so gentle with everything, no part of me thinks you could hurt me," she told her, removing her arms from around herself.
"I still have my flaws, If I fuck up you're allowed to be upset," Julien grabbed one of Magnolia's hands.
"Relationships come with arguments and scares, we can't possibly be perfect all the time. That's how a healthy relationship gets stronger."
"I know, I'm just saying in advance. You're allowed to leave," Julien made eye contact with her girlfriend.
"I would never dream of doing so," Maggie cupped Julien's face, sealing her words with a promising kiss.
Act One; Ends Now

you can't help but become the sun / julien baker
FanfictionAfter rebuilding her life, Magnolia Waters was still trying to grasp the concept of having someone love her. The actions of Tina Jong, her best friend, allowed her to have a chance. Tina knew that Julien Baker and her band, Boygenius were gonna play...