chapter six

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Tina and Chloé never came out of the small greenroom after bringing the band back there. Everyone was strung out across the room, hanging out and conversing. Loud laughs echoed as the Waters siblings entered the room.

"Why did you close so early? Won't you get in trouble?" Josiah asked his sister, shutting the door behind him.

"It's my store, my rules," responded Magnolia, shrugging.

Josiah took the seat next to Tina and Chloé, while Magnolia sat next to Julien. She was nervous, it was the only open seat in the room. She didn't want to push her luck so she sat as far away as possible.

Josiah wiggled his eyebrows at his sister, before directing a question at the band. "So, what's next for you guys?"

"We were planning on staying in North Carolina for two more days and then we have a little bit of time off, right?" Lucy replied, looking at Phoebe for confirmation.

"Yup, I'm going on tour for a little bit and i'm taking those two with me for the Nashville shows so we'll be playing in JB's town," Phoebe said, nodding her head.

"You live in Tennessee?" Magnolia asked Julien, smiling at her.

Julien nodded her head. "Yeah, It's the only state I've ever lived in."

Magnolia raised her eyebrows. "That's really cool. I've never been!"

"It's alright, there are some good parts and some bad parts but it's home," she shrugged.

As the night went on, the two girls found themselves lost in their own conversation. They talked about everything under the sun and by the end of the night, Magnolia and Julien were sitting so close to each other that their thighs were touching.

"Oh goodness, it's getting late! Should we go back to the hotel, boys?" Lucy asked, picking up her phone and water bottle from the table.

"We should probably get going too, you have work tomorrow, babe," Chloé agreed, helping her girlfriend up.

"I'll help with your instruments," Josiah was the first one out of the door, followed by Lucy, Phoebe, Chloé, and then Tina.

"Would you wanna maybe hang out tomorrow? before you go back to Nashville?" Magnolia worked up the guts to ask her out.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" the shorter girl asked, smiling.

"Well, I had a great time tonight and I wanna get to know you better. So, yes, I'm asking you out on a date," Magnolia looked into Julien's eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then," Julien pulled Magnolia into a hug.

Magnolia immediately wrapped her arms around the shorter girl and whispered in her ear, "By the way, you did absolutely amazing during the set. Your voice is unreal."

you can't help but become the sun / julien bakerWhere stories live. Discover now