Maggie's Pov:
---------------------------A month's worth of amazing memories and yet I couldn't help but wish this month wasn't happening. On the one hand, I'm proposing to my wonderful girlfriend but on the other hand, she's leaving for tour.
Right now, we are being lazy in bed since I only had a handful of days with Julien before I have to wait till I can see her again.
"Honey, you're coming to the second show! We'll only be apart for like two days!" My face was buried in Julien's chest.
"But then you're leaving for months and months! You're going to the UK! I don't want you to leave!" My words were muffled by her shirt.
"You're like a little kid, is this what it's like to have a kid?" She joked, running her fingers through my hair. "I don't want to leave you behind either."
"You're like a little kid," I scrunched up my face and mocked her. "Why can't I just hide in your suitcase?"
"You know that can't happen, we've been apart for longer. Plus after the Nashville show, there's a long break before we do the rest of the US tour," she reminded me, again. I lifted my head and repositioned myself.
"Right, what do we have for the rest of the week?" I kissed her jaw a few times. I love her so much but I'm so nervous to ask her to marry me.
"Today we are meeting your brother and his family at the aquarium, tomorrow I'm gonna go to the studio and fuck around for a few hours, the next day is packing and then I'm off," Julien informed me.
"Oh yes, I get to see jellyfish!" I flung out of bed going immediately for our wardrobe. I picked out a black tank top, new jeans that Julien had bought for me, a button-up that I was gonna wear for an overshirt, and clean undergarments.
"Wow," she sat up, leaning on the headboard. "You love jellyfish more than me, I see."
I stopped in my tracks, my mind processing what she'd said before whipping around, and then leaning on the doorframe. "You shut your pretty little mouth before you go too far and I'll have to shut it for you."
"Is that a threat?" Julien asked, a smirk plastered across her face.
"It's a promise, Baker. Watch it," I pointed at her, then left for the bathroom.
a/n: So tired for no reason!

you can't help but become the sun / julien baker
FanficAfter rebuilding her life, Magnolia Waters was still trying to grasp the concept of having someone love her. The actions of Tina Jong, her best friend, allowed her to have a chance. Tina knew that Julien Baker and her band, Boygenius were gonna play...